Ah Andrew Taint. His "Hustlers University" is a complete scam BTW. I could hunt the video of the guy who researched it [including joining it] but anyone who could think it's legit is so far down the rabbit hole as to be unsaveable so why try, and the rest of the normal people, it should be obvious. He is even on record as running at least one scam by his own admission.
He finds someone telling the truth about him on line ends up living in his home town in jolly olde... shows up claiming to want to show him his new car and makes fun of him because he calls the police... except he goes on and on about his propensity for violence including a claim that him and his brother beat the shit out of 6 guys for hanging around his Bugatti. If a deranged nutbar like that ever showed up at my house because of something I posted online, I'd call the cops also. Also I don't care how good you are, 6 against 2 are not odds you just charge into. You don't know if they have knives or guns or massive shlongs to beat you over the head with, you don't know if they have training or not. Even if not, 6 to 2 is just bad odds no matter your skill level, this ain't the movies. FUnny that he tells another story where he told his "bitch" to shut up when these 3 black guys show up and they end up beating up a girl who wouldn't shut up and another guy. So in one story, odds don't matter, in another they do.
He goes on about his bugatti and his lambos non stop. Asking about a hypothetical professor, what car do you drive. I mean fuck, what is he 12. Warren Buffet was happy with his town car and he was much richer. He has a total lack of class. Also having flash cars just means you have money, it doesn't mean you are a worthy person. It seems he has made his money though less than honourable means.
One story he tells, he picks up a girl in his lambo [because he has to name drop] she asks him what he does and he responds with "I take care of my people" 1: You picked up a gold digging whore in your lambo. You could tell her to sell crack to kids [1-877 crack for kids] and it wouldn't make a difference. You could tell her you are working to bring back the 4th Reich or that you are Justin Beiber's manager and it wouldn't make a difference. Also if a girl is half way smart and not for the streets, she would notice that you didn't answer the question and wonder what sort of horrible shit you are up to..
He claims not to be a misogynist but he clearly talks about woman as being his property over and over, bought and paid for. I pay your way, you should shut up and obey me. Oh but he says he would fight for his women... yeah and apparently he would fight for his car also... property.
Has said that women who screw around should be stoned to death... bangs them anyways, gets the in the sex trade.
He claims to be a Moslem, maybe he thinks he is and just likes the anti women position they have and doesn't know anything else or maybe it's just more bullshit
Likes to toss out the term Haram over and over. He runs cam girls, he says he is OK with a girlfriend doing onlyfans as long as he gets 80% [like a pimp] he always goes on about how often he is fucking "bitches" he drinks, seems to fight at a drop of the hat. All Haram. I also running a casino and a fraudulent "university" is also Haram. WHen he keeps shutting down people with "Haram" and his mooks cheer him on, it's like come on, think people, do you know nothing of the world around you.
His thing is about how the matrix is out to get him and when he gets his hair cut he has to hire out the whole joint so nobody can sneak up on him. Either he is delusional, it's his way of marketing himself to gullible mooks or he is really into some unethical shady shit.
Also, he seems really angry all the time. If that is what being a top G does, fornicate that feces, no thank you.
This is what I remember off hand seeing his shit on my youtube feed over and over. I have no doubts that a bit of google fu would find much much more but again any of the Taint cultists are so because they are clueless and gullible mooks so why bother.