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The Tale of Two Tonies

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New member
May 22, 2003
Funny how I got “slammed” and “threatened” a few weeks ago when I dared to point out the fact that this “new person” chose to call herself Toni. At the time I did not believe that there was absolutely NO COINCIDENCE when a newbie chooses to use the name (spelling et al) of an established person. I watched it happen to others and I'm honoured that it has now happened to me :) I stand by my previous suspicions because not only did she try to capitalize from a well established name, this sentence from her site referring to herself as “…thus the title "Tigress".” proves my previous suspicions. Now usually I’m not one to gripe about much, but “borrowing” catch words or phrase used to identify me is a little much, don’t you think. Oh, but what am I thinking, according to Miranda she or “Toni” have never heard of TONI THE TIGRESS.
What will be “borrowed” next, my entire site? Thankfully 95% of my clients are way out of her league, I only see clients on a part-time schedule and we advertise in different medias ( I rarely advertise). This post is on the basis of principle.
Flame away boys and girls! Don’t forget, I expect it because you all seem rather short sighted at times, however, don't expect any exchange of insults on my part because I'm above that. is not to be confused with


New member
May 22, 2003
Thanks guys (and gals), for your public words and private PM’s. I take everything in stride and I was taught by my parents that (yes even those with sharp claws have parents and good ones at that that) “the cream always rise to the top”. I’m at the top and I’m staying right here in the lion's den until I decide it's time for me to relinquish my position as TONI THE TIGRESS, the ORIGINAL, the ONLY and I pity the unintelligent moron who tries to topple me. I haven’t even begun to sharpen my claws yet. Like I said, it’s all a matter of principle. Have you ever seen a tiger rip raw meat apart (just humor folks, just humor - or maybe not....)

Goober Mcfly

Retired. -ish
Oct 26, 2001
Toni the Tigress stole "unintelligent moron" from me. At least that's what most people call me... :(


New member
May 22, 2003
LOL-ROFLMAF - Oooh I'm sooooooo sorry GM. At least I'll admit it and do whatever I can to rectify it.


New member
May 22, 2003
Sorry GM, I'm not one to generate business by flirting online. I was merely being facetious. You misunderstood me. It was not at all to be taken out of context. Peace

Goober Mcfly

Retired. -ish
Oct 26, 2001
Toni: You thought I meant something business-related? You thought I was flirting?


The psycotherapist was right. I DO apply sexual undertones to everything I read. :confused:
Just IMHO....

I agree that being a copycat is not professional especially if capitalizing from you. You are most warranted for being upset/perterbed; as well "setting the record straight". The other TONI will make herself appear to be the fool in most eyes for doing so, whether be a "ford" or "ferrari".

To like and be proud of yourself is terrific; a most profound aura highly reflects oneself!! To have great confidence is what all could/would want in themselves.

However, as to be w/such arrogance can (this does not say "will") make you appear to be at same level as the copycat Toni with "the cream" going sour and/or bad tasting. If you have never obtained services yourself from her; you cannot rightfully state her abilities to be of low quality.

Furthermore, bringing Miranda's name into this is only fielding for a fight. Being determined to disrepute and humiliate her will in most probability in turn may bite you back. As well, by ill reputing unnecessarily, it makes your confidence level appear to be declining and perhaps truthfully not as sure of yourself.

The Baroness

Sr. Member
Aug 11, 2002
Originally posted by TTT Oh, but what am I thinking, according to Miranda she or “Toni” have never heard of TONI THE TIGRESS.[/B]
Do you really think you are that much of a celebrity???
Give ur freaking head a shake!
You emailed me telling me that I "had named one of my girls" Toni.
I told you that I didnt name any of them (they have their own minds)2)that she had been using that name for over a year.
I am no longer affiliated with her sweetheart so keep my name out of it .
Maybe you should stop obsessing about her and worry about yourself


New member
May 22, 2003
Sara, I agree with your insight as I have done many times in the past however I was not bringing Miranda into this. I merely made reference to the previous thread when I first addressed the issue. This is not about Miranda and this issue is not with her. It's with ???? and yes I am rather pissed especially since something like this seems to happen whenever I'm out of town for any extended period. The emails that I received directing me to her site and her "Tigress" reference infuriated me more than you could possibly know. Competition is healthy in any business but not blatant.............., aaarrrrrrrrggggggggggh.......... I don't even know what to call it. I'm not at all worried about my business associations however emails that I have received have indicated that she has passed herself off as me on the telephone. True or False, I don't know but what I do know for certain is that the "COINCIDENCES" are far too many. How would you feel? How would anyone in the same position feel. Pissed, annoyed, amazed.................
If I came across as a pompous, arrogant, self-absorbed, take no prisoners, hold no bars kind of "bitch", oh well. I'm long pass the point of apologizing for my behavior especially when justified.

The Baroness

Sr. Member
Aug 11, 2002
So why bring my name into it in the context you did?


Love to nibble on nipples
Jan 28, 2003
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Toni, there is a simple solution to this. Just add the phrase "The Original" on your website as well as any emails you send out.

I seen where other SPs have done this in the past. I don't remember the names but when you see the phrase it just stands out and you do take notice of it.

Just a suggestion for consideration.


Prosopagnosia Sufferer
Jun 19, 2003
Doing laps at the Y
Secret Touch quote "However, as to be w/such arrogance can (this does not say "will") make you appear to be at same level as the copycat Toni with "the cream" going sour and/or bad tasting. If you have never obtained services yourself from her; you cannot rightfully state her abilities to be of low quality.

Furthermore, bringing Miranda's name into this is only fielding for a fight. Being determined to disrepute and humiliate her will in most probability in turn may bite you back. As well, by ill reputing unnecessarily, it makes your confidence level appear to be declining and perhaps truthfully not as sure of yourself."

I agree with ST and Miranda. You should have left it alone. The topic had died here.

TTT quote "I don't know but what I do know for certain is that the "COINCIDENCES" are far too many. How would you feel? How would anyone in the same position feel. Pissed, annoyed, amazed.................
If I came across as a pompous, arrogant, self-absorbed, take no prisoners, hold no bars kind of "bitch", oh well. I'm long pass the point of apologizing for my behavior especially when justified."

So TONI THE TIGRESS, tell us, when and why did you pick the name. You aren't the first Tigress, and you won't be the last.

So Nibbler, she can't say she's an original. "Unique", maybe, "One of a Kind", yes, "Special" in her own way, definately. But the name has been around a long time and used by many.


Senior Member
Mar 23, 2002
Some words NOT subject to copyright!

NEW YORK -- A federal judge Friday denied Fox News' bid to stop humorist Al Franken from selling his upcoming book because it includes the network's slogan "Fair and Balanced" in its title.
U.S. District Judge Denny Chin in Manhattan said Mr. Franken's book, "Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them: A Fair and Balanced Look at the Right" is clearly a parody that is protected by the First Amendment.

"There are easy cases and there are hard cases," the judge told a packed courtroom. "This is an easy one."

Fox sued Mr. Franken and his publisher, Penguin Group, earlier this month, claiming the book's title would blur and tarnish the network's catch phrase for its news coverage.

The Baroness

Sr. Member
Aug 11, 2002
One more thing!...................As i told you via email...She is not new, as you have once again incorrectly stated...she has been using that name for a year now in her EYE and NOW ads.

Average Joe

Senior Member
Mar 28, 2002
miranda said:
One more thing!...................As i told you via email...She is not new, as you have once again incorrectly stated...she has been using that name for a year now in her EYE and NOW ads.

TTT is not objecting to the new Toni using that name even though it could be viewed as a way of cashing in on TTT's reputation. We have enough ladies using the same name that even that can be excused.

What is really the issue is that the new Toni is using the word "tigress" on her web site and is without question trying to masquarade as TTT. Is her service so bad that she has to attach herself to a well known and respected lady like a barnacle.

I do find it interesting that the phrase 'thus the title "Tigress"' showed up in her bio only after TTT pointed out the similarity in the first place. Coincidence?

If this is truly not intentional then the new Toni wouldn't have a problem removing the reference and eliminate the confusion. Miranda, since you know her perhaps you could impress upon her that pretending to be another escort can only hurt her reputation not help.

The Baroness

Sr. Member
Aug 11, 2002
Average Joe said:

TTT is not objecting to the new Toni using that name even though it could be viewed as a way of cashing in on TTT's reputation. We have enough ladies using the same name that even that can be excused.

What is really the issue is that the new Toni is using the word "tigress" on her web site and is without question trying to masquarade as TTT. Is her service so bad that she has to attach herself to a well known and respected lady like a barnacle.

I do find it interesting that the phrase 'thus the title "Tigress"' showed up in her bio only after TTT pointed out the similarity in the first place. Coincidence?

If this is truly not intentional then the new Toni wouldn't have a problem removing the reference and eliminate the confusion. Miranda, since you know her perhaps you could impress upon her that pretending to be another escort can only hurt her reputation not help.

You did not read the email she sent me when she first learned about Toni...............She most certainly did want Toni to change the name Toni.She assumed that I had named her and therefore I should change it to another name,which was the purpose of her emailing me.
I have not spoken to Toni about this because she doesnt work for me anymore...the only reason I am in this debate at all id because TTT named me in her original post in this thread.
I can say one thing however...this site is one of those freebie ones made by Virtual Dirty Girl over which the SP had little control except to send pics.I dont know one way or the other if Toni wrote or ok'ed this text.
And to be honest I dont know how many Miranda's have appeared in the last 6 months on other toronto escort sites or how many have used slogans Ive penned?
The only difference is I didnt come here crying about it.
Its part of the biz...Like someone else said,if anyone has a right to bitch its Kelloggs. And thats all I have to say on this subject.
Like I said its not my battle,however somehow,my name was brought into it.
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