The Shelter for India's Runaway Couples | The Love Commando


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
If you switch on English subtitles, you will have an English translation for the Hindi parts.

In India, around 90 percent of marriages are arranged by parents, based on traditional criteria such as caste, religion and horoscopes. Love has a subordinate role, as being in love is seen as a weakness and love across social boundaries is considered dangerous, which can lead to honor killings. The police often support the families and put men in prison for allegedly raping their wives instead of protecting lovers.

The Love Commandos are an Indian NGO that works on a voluntary basis to protect couples from forced marriage. They help couples to avoid falling into disgrace and danger. The members, including business people, lawyers, journalists and human rights activists, come from different parts of society and offer legal support and shelter for couples under threat. The organization operates a hotline that is used around 7,000 times a day.
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