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The role of sex workers in society - excellent Ted talk

Mr Deeds

Muff Diver Extraordinaire
Mar 10, 2013
Very cool video. Id love to hear from some of the ladies about this. There was alot in this lecture that really hit home

Big Rig

Well-known member
May 6, 2009
Without watching the bid:

1 They give sexual relief to the needy. This could be someone who is handicapped or ugly, there are a number or reasons.

2 A side effect of above reason is less rapes

3 They provide society with a balance against oppressive religious sexual prudery

4 Only chance for high income for some SPs

5 satisfies emotional needs as well as sexual needs


2 They stop rapes


Well-known member
Mar 14, 2004
Without watching the bid:

1 They give sexual relief to the needy. This could be someone who is handicapped or ugly, there are a number or reasons.

2 A side effect of above reason is less rapes

3 They provide society with a balance against oppressive religious sexual prudery

4 Only chance for high income for some SPs

5 satisfies emotional needs as well as sexual needs


2 They stop rapes
Rape seems to be more about satisfying the requirements for power and degradation than sexual gratification.

Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
In Ancient Times there was a Greek city devoted to the worship of Aphrodite, a city in the service of sex called Corinth.

Strategically placed on the southern end of the Strait of Corinth, it grew fabulously wealthy as a hub between Athens, Argos and Sparta. The dour Spartans benefited the most as they fought successful wars against it's neighbours but left Corinth alone. By the time of Hannibal it had become Greece's most powerful city as the male population of Sparta had been culled by constant warfare. They got arrogant, they thought they could resist the Romans. It was a fateful mistake as the Romans razed the city to the ground.

It didn't end for Corinth after the Roman conquest, it became the Las Vegas of the Empire. The inaccurate phrase is actually:when in Corinth do as the Corinthians.



Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
God's view of Prostitution

The law of Moses did not outlaw prostitution in general. It did forbid the daughter of a priest acting as a prostitute and it forbade a father being pimp to his daughter. So it protected the sanctity of the priesthood and the family, but other than that it permitted prostitution.

29 Do not profane your daughter by making her a prostitute, in order that the land may not commit prostitution and the land actually be filled with loose morals (Leviticus 19).

9 Now in case the daughter of a priest should make herself profane by committing prostitution, it is her father that she is
profaning. She should be burned in the fire (Leviticus21).

So a girl who makes herself into a prostitute profanes herself. And prostitution is loose morally. It is certainly not to be encouraged. But neither is to be outlawed. A girl could be a prostitute if her father was not a priest (i.e. if she was not from the daughters of Aaron) so long as her father was not her pimp.

Now on the other side of the equation we have 3 rather astonishing facts.

1. Judah, the son of Jacob, who inherited the firstborn kingship rights for the whole nation of Israel, fathered Perez and Zerah through whom Jesus came in an act of prostitution with Tamar, his daughter in law.

2. Jesus and King David were both descendants of Rahab. So in Hebrew terms Jesus' direct mum was a virgin, the virgin Mary, but his greater mum Rahab or Tamar was a whore. Therefore the statement: Jesus' mother was a ho is technically true. Since to the Hebrew a grandmother is a mother and a grandfather is a father. So there were two prostitutes in Jesus' ancestral line, Tamar and Rahab. Both are specifically mentioned in his genealogy in Matthew1. So the holy spirit is not ashamed of either of them. In fact the household of Rahab was the only group to be saved in Jericho in Joshua6.

2 Abraham generated Isaac; Isaac generated Jacob; Jacob generated Judah and his brothers;
3 Judah generated Perez and Zerah [twins] out [ek] of Tamar; Perez generated Hezron; Hezron generated Ram;
4 Ram generated Amminadab; Amminadab generated Nahshon; Nahshon generated Salmon;
5 Salmon generated Boaz out [ek] of Rahab; Boaz generated Obed out [ek] of Ruth; Obed generated Jesse (Matthew1).

3. Jesus' girlfriend during his ministry was Mary Magdalene, from whom 7 demons came out, an ex demon possessed girl. But one of Jesus' closest groups of friends was Lazarus and his two sisters Mary and Martha. Mary, the more spiritual of the two sisters, was the one who wept on Jesus' feet and wiped them dry with her hair and anointed them with perfumed oil. She could afford this expensive oil, because she was a prostitute until that day.

So in tabloid terms Jesus was close friends with ex prostitutes and ex demon possessed women and two of the his maternal ancestors were prostitutes. And yet the scripture says...

3 He is the reflection of [his] glory and the exact representation of his very being, and he sustains all things by the word of his power; and after he had made a purification for our sins he sat down on the right hand of the Majesty in lofty places (Hebrews1).

So his view of prostitutes and prostitution was identical to the view of God. Jesus is now himself a God like his father - see I27.

In summary then prostitution was not encouraged, but neither was it outlawed or demonized. Prostitution served a purpose in Hebrew society just as it serves a purpose today in Western Society and all over the world. It is a partial antidote to sexual frustration which is possibly the largest and most destructive force at work in the West today. The entire world of commerce sells largely on sex, and that is a tragedy since it means we are all largely sexually frustrated. Prostitution is methodone for the sex addict.
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