The Racist history of Liberal Democrats


New member
Mar 20, 2008
the historical facts from the new GOP website:
the more current facts from an article by Larry Elder:

Did you know?....

-That Democrats opposed the 13th, 14th and 15th amendments to the Constitution -- abolishing slavery, granting citizenship rights to newly freed slaves, and guaranteeing the right to vote (at least on paper) to blacks, respectively?

-That most of the politicians who stood for segregation were Southern Democrats?

-That the Ku Klux Klan was founded by Democrats, one of whose goals was to stop the spread of the Republican Party?

-That in 1864, against nearly unanimous Democrat opposition, Republicans passed the 13th Amendment unanimously, abolishing slavery?

-That today 70 percent of black children and over 50 percent of Hispanics are born outside of wedlock thanks to the welfare state -- which Democrats want to expand -- playing a huge role in discouraging marriage and destabilizing families?

-That inner-city parents want vouchers -- the right to determine where their children go to school? Do you know most Democrats, including Barack Obama, oppose this? or that Republicans, for the most part, support vouchers?

-That in 1864, Republicans Passed the 14th Amendment, which defended African-Americans from their Democrat oppressors in the post-Civil War South?

-That in 1866, the Republican Governor of New Jersey vetoed an attempt by the Democrat-controlled legislature to rescind the state's ratification of the 14th Amendment?

-That nearly all Democrats in Congress voted against the 15th Amendment? In 1869, the Republican-controlled 40th Congress passed the 15th Amendment, extending to African-Americans the right to vote and that nearly all Republicans in Congress voted in favor, though a few abstained, saying it did not go far enough?

-That Democrats used intimidation, poll taxes, registration fraud, and literacy tests to prevent most African-Americans from voting for nearly a century?

-In 1871, the Republican-controlled 42nd Congress passed a Civil Rights Act aimed at the Ku Klux Klan and being guilty of murdering hundreds of African-Americans, this terrorist organization had also eradicated the Republican Party throughout most of the South?

-That the 1871 Civil Rights Act bypassed the Democrat-controlled state courts, and that the law empowered the Republican administration of Ulysses Grant to protect the civil rights of the former slaves in federal court?

-That in March 1875, the Republican-controlled 43rd Congress passed the most comprehensive civil rights legislation ever? President Ulysses Grant signed the bill into law that same day. Among its provisions, the 1875 Civil Rights Act banned racial discrimination in public accommodations. Sound familiar? Though struck down by the Supreme Court eight years later, the 1875 Civil Rights Act would be reborn as the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

-That for eight years after 1940 , Democratic presidents Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Harry Truman refused to integrate into the 1940 Republican National platform plank calling for racial integration of the armed forces? Not until 1948 did President Truman finally comply with the Republicans' demands for racial justice in the U.S. military.

-That in 1954, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that racial segregation in public schools is unconstitutional and he author of Brown v. Board of Education was a Republican, Chief Justice Earl Warren?

-That many Democrats in the Senate filibustered the 1957 Civil Rights bill, and that the five terms of the FDR and Truman presidencies, the Democrats did not propose any civil rights legislation. President Eisenhower, in contrast, asked his Attorney General to write the first federal civil rights legislation since the Republican Party’s 1875 Civil Rights Act.

-That in 1957, John Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson criticized President Eisenhower when the Democrat governor of Arkansas ordered the National Guard to prevent the court-ordered racial integration of a public high school in Little Rock?

-That Republican President Dwight Eisenhower refused to tolerate defiance of the federal judiciary? Under a plan suggested by his attorney general, the President placed the governor’s soldiers under federal control and ordered federal troops to the state, where they escorted African-American children to school.

-That blacks stand to benefit more than whites through Social Security privatization?

-That 36 percent of babies aborted are black, while blacks make up 17 percent of live births?

-That Margaret Sanger, the founder of the organization that became Planned Parenthood, believed that poor blacks were inferior and that aborting their babies made our society better?


New member
Feb 28, 2007
Is there a reson for bringing modern history up?

Most of this is well known, although thinking back to my nieces attempts at math and science mabee this is not a bad idea.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
Is there a reson for bringing modern history up?

Most of this is well known, although thinking back to my nieces attempts at math and science mabee this is not a bad idea.
Read Woodpeckers posts and find out why.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Slanted bullshit crap. Anyone who knows anything about American history will advise you that the Republicans and Democrats had totally different personalities and platforms in the 1800's and these have little to do with their current political stances.

The GOP was more progressive 150 years ago? So what?

The rest of the stupid rant is a mish-mash of unconnected facts taken out of context and distorted and framed to support a pile of nonsense.


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
The rest of the stupid rant is a mish-mash of unconnected facts taken out of context and distorted and framed to support a pile of nonsense.
Well this is pretty much the SOP of our RRR blinderman and his cement-headed friends he pals around with! ....:D


Feb 15, 2004
Both parties have a history of racism. It is true that in the 19th century, the worst offenders were more often Democrats. It is also true that in the last generation, they tend to be more Republican. This does not mean that all in both parties have been, or are, racists.

It would be hard to come up with a better example of cherry picking than the original OP's post.


Sr. Member
Aug 6, 2002
Slanted bullshit crap. Anyone who knows anything about American history will advise you that the Republicans and Democrats had totally different personalities and platforms in the 1800's and these have little to do with their current political stances.

The GOP was more progressive 150 years ago? So what?

The rest of the stupid rant is a mish-mash of unconnected facts taken out of context and distorted and framed to support a pile of nonsense.
Well, it is binderman. Shouldn't surprise you.


Feb 15, 2004
the historical facts from the new GOP website:
the more current facts from an article by Larry Elder:

-That in 1864, against nearly unanimous Democrat opposition, Republicans passed the 13th Amendment unanimously, abolishing slavery?

No. A Congress with a Republican majority defeated it in 1864. Then a Republican Congress passed it in 1865. Not as clearcut as you think.


Feb 15, 2004


Feb 15, 2004
the historical facts from the new GOP website:
the more current facts from an article by Larry Elder:

-That in 1864, Republicans Passed the 14th Amendment, which defended African-Americans from their Democrat oppressors in the post-Civil War South?

Passed by Congress in 1866, ratified in 1868. You may think I am quibbling over years, but then again, if my initial examination of this list shows so many mistakes, how many more are there?


Feb 15, 2004
the historical facts from the new GOP website:
the more current facts from an article by Larry Elder:

-That for eight years after 1940 , Democratic presidents Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Harry Truman refused to integrate into the 1940 Republican National platform plank calling for racial integration of the armed forces? Not until 1948 did President Truman finally comply with the Republicans' demands for racial justice in the U.S. military.


How did Truman refuse? He wanted legislation, and when Congress would not act, he issued an executive order desegregating the military. And it almost cost him the election. Doesn't sound like a refusal to me.


Feb 15, 2004
the historical facts from the new GOP website:
the more current facts from an article by Larry Elder:

-That in 1954, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that racial segregation in public schools is unconstitutional and he author of Brown v. Board of Education was a Republican, Chief Justice Earl Warren?

-That Margaret Sanger, the founder of the organization that became Planned Parenthood, believed that poor blacks were inferior and that aborting their babies made our society better?

I know, a Republican on the right side of history. If only today's Republicans were. Btw, some Democrats on the court voted for desegregation also.


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
Indeed it is.


Everyone's hero's, tell everyone's lies.
Jun 1, 2006
Wow...... I'm pleased to see that racist Liberal Democrats seemed to have learned from their past mistakes. When will racist Conservative Republicans?

Hell, as long as we're bringing up History, lets take a look at my Church and the religion I share with Conservative Christians. I mean, who's not up for a good 'ol witch burning? Perhaps a mild Inquisition? Or maybe the Crusades are more up your alley. Personally, I'm more of a "bomb an abortion clinic" kinda guy myself.

Rather than an obvious political attempt to use negative history to improve the current Republican standing with visible minorities..... I would rather hear what they can do for the country now. Smart tactic though. They see the writing on the wall. America is "tanning" fast, and during the last 100 years, their record isn't so....... special. In fact, racists like Strom Thurman changed from D to R after the Dems passed the 1964 bill of rights. How did the Republican party handle that passage?

Such propaganda on those web sites. Genius really...... whoever thought of it deserves a fucking raise! I mean to oppose the bill of rights less than 50 years ago, and then criticize the party that passed for personal gain in 2010. Wow!

Lets get real...... Racism is not, and was not exclusive to either party.

Well, I guess if you throw enough shit at the wall, some of it will stick.



New member
Feb 28, 2007
Wow...... I'm pleased to see that racist Liberal Democrats seemed to have learned from their past mistakes. When will racist Conservative Republicans?

Hell, as long as we're bringing up History, lets take a look at my Church and the religion I share with Conservative Christians. I mean, who's not up for a good 'ol witch burning? Perhaps a mild Inquisition? Or maybe the Crusades are more up your alley. Personally, I'm more of a "bomb an abortion clinic" kinda guy myself.

Rather than an obvious political attempt to use negative history to improve the current Republican standing with visible minorities..... I would rather hear what they can do for the country now. Smart tactic though. They see the writing on the wall. America is "tanning" fast, and during the last 100 years, their record isn't so....... special. In fact, racists like Strom Thurman changed from D to R after the Dems passed the 1964 bill of rights. How did the Republican party handle that passage?

Such propaganda on those web sites. Genius really...... whoever thought of it deserves a fucking raise! I mean to oppose the bill of rights less than 50 years ago, and then criticize the party that passed for personal gain in 2010. Wow!

Lets get real...... Racism is not, and was not exclusive to either party.

Well, I guess if you throw enough shit at the wall, some of it will stick.

Welcome to sarcasm central, on your left you will see Mr Torquemada and his merry bunch of mechnical engineers, to the right there are the religious fathers of Salem mind the firewood. Down the hall is the office of the Gand Dragon of the KKK .

Please take all comments with the truck load of salt that is issued with them.

Have a merry christmas and happy new year to you and yours.


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
The GOP prides it's new 'Big Tent diversity' here....:eek:


New member
Aug 16, 2007
north of the GTA
reads like the start of a rallying cry for professional victims everywhere. You can argue about who was more racist in the 1800s in America and come to some warped conclusion about the ills of society today but what a waste of time that would be. Be aware that slavery and racism is alive and well in some parts of Africa and Asia today practiced by blacks on blacks. Not sure if they're democrats or republicans but apparently the degree of how black a person is makes some sort of difference.


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
How fast Conservative republicans forget their recent past.....:rolleyes:
Family Values, eh.....
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