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The Practice Of Tipping Waiters/Waitresses Is Rooted In Colonial Racism

Jasmine Raine

Well-known member
Jul 28, 2014
Went out to lunch the other day with a lovely lady.

Bill came and it was a 25% tip. Our server was awesome. He going back to school in September. We learned about his courses, we chatted about common things we liked, he made special iced type coffee for my lunch date. We were there for about 2.5 hours so he was there when needed, gone when not.

I tip the person. He deserved earned it. He went above and beyond in my opinion when really he was probably just being himself.

I know it is hard for some, they can't afford to tip or tip "big". A couple with 4 kids at home, one income and they are just trying to get a date night in, I get a tip would be hard, but for most, giving is good. Saying thank you is good.

We are a country that tips. May have started out one way - Don't know, but in 2018 - to me - a tip is for someone who does a great job and makes my time with them enjoyable. I tip my servers, I tip my hairdresser, I have even tipped the retail worker who spends an hour on helping me find the perfect outfit.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
The only problem with this is one of the New England States in the U.S. recently attempted to raise the minimum wage for tipped workers to the normal minimum wage.

It was the tipped workers who complained to the legislature stating that they were loosing money by not having tips not restaurant owners.

This sounds like two neo-Communists, spouting more of the usual.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
The only problem with this is one of the New England States in the U.S. recently attempted to raise the minimum wage for tipped workers to the normal minimum wage.

It was the tipped workers who complained to the legislature stating that they were loosing money by not having tips not restaurant owners.

This sounds like two neo-Communists, spouting more of the usual.
asking restaurants to pay their workers instead of downloading labor costs to customers is not communism. they donate millions to the national restaurant association that lobby to keep restaurant wages low. other countries like Japan and european nations and Australia don't have a tipping culture and restaurants their are thriving


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
Very interesting history most people are probably unaware of. Thanks for sharing.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
asking restaurants to pay their workers instead of downloading labor costs to customers is not communism. they donate millions to the national restaurant association that lobby to keep restaurant wages low. other countries like Japan and european nations and Australia don't have a tipping culture and restaurants their are thriving
But as posted it was the restaurant workers who were complaining saying that they were loosing income.

Seemingly this is a difference between the theoretical and what the workers on the ground were actually saying.


Active member
Jan 10, 2009
I did a little research, there seems to be the usual 3-4 parrot sites that picked up the original source of C-M's article, but most sources don't conclude "Tipping Is Rooted In Colonial Racism". For me at least, the jury is out on this one.

I'll bet well less that 10% of the public know this potential history, so claiming this information as a reason today not to tip is ridiculous.

Interesting tidbit: in fast food environments if the owner works the floor, they are allowed to keep 50% of the tips and are allowed to keep another % to pay for employee activities, like a Christmas party. However no tracking of this money is required under accounting rules / law so often most of the tip money is simply kept by the owner.

Last point: I think everyone realizes that tip payments are suppose to be based on quality of service and food. However several TV shows did mini-studies on this and showed tips are far higher for sexually attractive staff regardless of the quality of the service.
Mythbusters is my favourite example:


Active member
Jan 10, 2009
The only problem with this is one of the New England States in the U.S. recently attempted to raise the minimum wage for tipped workers to the normal minimum wage.

It was the tipped workers who complained to the legislature stating that they were loosing money by not having tips not restaurant owners.

This sounds like two neo-Communists, spouting more of the usual.
"neo-Communists" - Aardy is getting more and more alt-right these days. It's funny, I see that steady shift with a lot of older people both in my life and here on Terb. Less and less concern is give to facts ......

You talking about New Hampshire? In NH currently, people who receive tips have the best of both worlds "Workers who get more than $30 per month in tips can be paid as low as $3.27 per hour. (However, if a worker can show that their pay plus tips ads up to less than the minimum wage for the hours they worked, their employer must make up the difference.)". When the gov't tried to change the minimum law including this part of the law the restaurant workers fought it. Same law exists in many US states.

Rhode Island also has a proposed bill in place to raise it to 2/3, but for reasons of employee protection from abusive customers: . Employees fought part of the changes in the law because it allow restaurant owners to redirect a larger % of the tips to cooks, etc.

Maine had a similar law that went into effect in January 2018 that was fought by waitstaff:


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Except in many colonial enterprises and the colonizing countries don't traditionally tip.


Active member
Oct 24, 2010
Who's care about the past colonial powers and practices in the past anyway nowadays??? The colonials were long gone.

Why bring back the concepts and practiced of the past colonial power? They were long gone. LOL

Looking now, poverty has been everywhere in large scales in demographics of the past colonial powers such as countries in Europe and their descendants in countries such as America and Canada. Everywhere I go in Canada, America and European countries, I've seen very large population in those countries are living below the poverty lines respective to their countries.

In contrast, the current people whom their countries were under the past colonial powers are now living well with high prosperity, economic growth and expanding in large number of middle class in their population.

So who wants to care about the past colonial powers which "may" be a factor of tipping practices in some countries nowadays??

Looking at the present and not the past.

Why do you need to continue looking in the past especially among the "black" people?

You came a long way now... LOL

I tip the escorts by the way... LOL.... and I've never seen them in anyway as "inferior" LOL...


Feb 23, 2017
Interesting video. Gotta say though it might explain tipping in America but not the rest of the world. I was in Egypt where tipping is common practice. Definitely a few other places where tipping is the norm.

asking restaurants to pay their workers instead of downloading labor costs to customers is not communism. they donate millions to the national restaurant association that lobby to keep restaurant wages low. other countries like Japan and european nations and Australia don't have a tipping culture and restaurants their are thriving
Yeah, restaurant owners IMO are taking advantage of the pay structure and getting off with paying workers less knowing customers will make up the difference.

But as posted it was the restaurant workers who were complaining saying that they were loosing income.
Seemingly this is a difference between the theoretical and what the workers on the ground were actually saying.
The main reason people would be complaining is more often than not, a tipped worker makes more than a non-tipped worker. I know people who've refused to move to a non-tipped job because they make so much in tips it makes zero financial sense to switch. One lady indicated $750 on average per week in tips. I don't know the hours but assume she works 40 - that's almost $20/hour before factoring in base wage so she's earning well above the $14/hour in Ontario.

In the case of these workers, they are probably complaining as they feel customers will tip less if not at all knowing the workers are earning more. If you include tips into income, I gather more often than not the worker is making more than the person earning min wage.

I'm always on the fence about tipping. I know some people don't earn that much (waiters, hairdressers, etc.) so no problem tipping them although I never agree with the percentage of bill being used to calculate. Sorry but for those earning at much higher levels, I don't feel the need.


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
I couldn't care less what the root of tipping is.

It tip for two reasons: (1) to compensate for an employee being underpaid and (2) for good service. Since the minimum wage hike kicked in, I have slowly begun lowering the amount I tip for the former. I'm down to 10% for average service, when it'd normally be between 15 and 20%. Even though I think the actual tip rate for average service should be 5% (0% for bad service), I'll probably stick with 10% if I ever expect to go back to the same place again.
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