Garden of Eden Escorts
Ashley Madison

The NRA was in on the conspiracy that motivated people to go to Washington


Class of 69...
May 19, 2002
Lewiston, NY
La PU again :mad: Lock him up! Lock him up...

Dutch Oven

Well-known member
Feb 12, 2019
It's rare that a conspiracy theory self-identifies like the one the OP is pushing. He's not even hiding behind some far left Pressprogress or Vox article this time.

I read the letter. It's fundraising for lobbying by the NRA on behalf of gun rights. Nothing more. Not a mention of January 6 or even a veiled reference to an armed demonstration at any time. Ridiculous. Strangely, the letter is dated "Monday morning". That smells off to me.

It was prophetic, however, that the letter predicted that someone from the far left would attempt to misrepresent the letter as a call to violence. I wonder who LaPierre thinks will win the Super Bowl?
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Well-known member
Aug 1, 2012
What’s a fundraising letter have to do with a protest? The NRA like any lobby group raises vast sums of money to lobby government on behalf of the members
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Well-known member
May 3, 2014
That maria butina was arrested for espionage ...she slept her way up the NRA under the guise of a Russian gun rights group. Fun fact: Putin would not permit a gun rights group. Funneled money to them.
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Class of 69...
May 19, 2002
Lewiston, NY
That maria butina was arrested for espionage ...she slept her way up the NRA under the guise of a Russian gun rights group. Fun fact: Putin would not permit a gun rights group. Funneled money tp them.
No collusion of any kind though, right?
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Well-known member
Aug 1, 2012
That maria butina was arrested for espionage ...she slept her way up the NRA under the guise of a Russian gun rights group. Fun fact: Putin would not permit a gun rights group. Funneled money tp them.
WRONG there are gun rights groups in Russia
Russian Gun Lobby Seeks Right To Bear Arms (

The Russian constitution guarantees self-defense and protection of your property as a constitutional right for Russian citizens.

you ARE permitted to own and use firearms for self defense in Russia even pistols but they are difficult to get approved

Owning, Using, and Carrying Guns in Russia - USA Carry

Russian Gun laws: Firearms for civilians -The Firearm Blog
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Well-known member
May 3, 2014
WRONG there are gun rights groups in Russia
Russian Gun Lobby Seeks Right To Bear Arms (

The Russian constitution guarantees self-defense and protection of your property as a constitutional right for Russian citizens.

you ARE permitted to own and use firearms for self defense in Russia even pistols but they are difficult to get approved

Owning, Using, and Carrying Guns in Russia - USA If

Russian Gun laws: Firearms for civilians -The Firearm Blog
First, Maria Butina - the Russian spy herself - is the spokesperson in that article. Second, if one reads the article it clearly states:
"Under current law, Russians can own smooth-bore, long-barreled shotguns and nonlethal weapons for self defense, like gas pistols and stun guns. Handguns, as well as assault weapons, are illegal."

This group is known as a front; she funneled Russian $ to the NRA. She does not oppose Putin - and live unmolested - without his approval. This is how disinformation stuff works. False flag. The Russians know, as Trump knows, as those rich evangelical preachers know, you can dupe and fleece USA right wing ideologues very easily. Thus the best way to mole your people is through these existing organisations very close to power.

Btw, the commies looked for the same from the hard left in the usa, find those who were close to power in the 60s. It's just how this works. Classic.
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Well-known member
May 6, 2020
This thread is a bit far fetched I guess people, both left and right see "conspiracies" under every bed.


Well-known member
Aug 1, 2012
Why ? What’s the problem the second amendment and several court rulings over the years affirm the right to keep and bare arms. if the nra folds another pro gun org will fill the void

Supreme Court has ruled that

the Second Amendment applies “to all instruments that constitute bearable arms,”.

As much as you want guns gone they are Not going anywhere Biden may try and ban guns but I don’t think the Supreme Court will agree with him


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Why ? What’s the problem the second amendment and several court rulings over the years affirm the right to keep and bare arms. if the nra folds another pro gun org will fill the void

Supreme Court has ruled that

the Second Amendment applies “to all instruments that constitute bearable arms,”.

As much as you want guns gone they are Not going anywhere Biden may try and ban guns but I don’t think the Supreme Court will agree with him
You think its good there are so many guns in the US and the gun lobby was so successful?


Well-known member
Aug 1, 2012
You think its good there are so many guns in the US and the gun lobby was so successful?
Why not ? It’s their country there laws. Even without the nra the second amendment protects the right to keep and bear arms
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Well-known member
May 3, 2014
Back in Oz we had all sorts of usa NRA types waddling through arguing for individual gun rights and appeals to natural law or vague arguments relevent to USA law but irrelevant to Aistralian law and constitution which does not have a "bill of rights."
And no Democrat has argued for banning guns. Controlling them more, stronger background checks, yes. But NRA argued that obama not pushing any gun confiscation was proof he was going to confiscate guns. Wow.


Well-known member
Aug 1, 2012
I'm all for bare arms and nudity in general.
But guns are fucking stupid.
and oh i made a typo its bear arms

Well 17 million + guns sold in 2020 alone many 1st time buyers

Biden’s talk of gun bans will increase sales further

393 million+ guns total
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Well-known member
Aug 1, 2012
Back in Oz we had all sorts of usa NRA types waddling through arguing for individual gun rights and appeals to natural law or vague arguments relevent to USA law but irrelevant to Aistralian law and constitution which does not have a "bill of rights."
And no Democrat has argued for banning guns. Controlling them more, stronger background checks, yes. But NRA argued that obama not pushing any gun confiscation was proof he was going to confiscate guns. Wow.

really no democrat wants to ban guns.....

his idea will difficult as the courts have ruled you cant ban commonly used sporting rifles ar15 is the most common

the numbers of people killed per year by what the media call "assault weapons" is lower then deaths from falling out of bed

More People Die from Falling Out of the Bed Than From AR-15 Shootings - The Political Insider
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Well-known member
May 3, 2014
really no democrat wants to ban guns.....

his idea will difficult as the courts have ruled you cant ban commonly used sporting rifles ar15 is the most common
Banning assault weapons is not banning all guns. We banned assault weapons in Oz back in '96 after the Port Arthur massacre and 0 mass shootings since. Assault weapons also awful for home defense if you launch the .223 round used in AR-15 and miss you'll likely send that round into your neighbour's house.


Well-known member
Aug 1, 2012
Banning assault weapons is not banning all guns. We banned assault weapons in Oz back in '96 after the Port Arthur massacre and 0 mass shootings since. Assault weapons also awful for home defense if you launch the .223 round used in AR-15 and miss you'll likely send that round into your neighbour's house.
your statement was
Back in Oz we had all sorts of usa NRA types waddling through arguing for individual gun rights and appeals to natural law or vague arguments relevent to USA law but irrelevant to Aistralian law and constitution which does not have a "bill of rights."
And no Democrat has argued for banning guns. Controlling them more, stronger background checks, yes. But NRA argued that obama not pushing any gun confiscation was proof he was going to confiscate guns. Wow.
bidens tweet says he will BAN "assualt rifles" guess what ban means? you do realize a background check IS done when buying a gun too right?

if you use hollow points the high velocity rnd will fragment when it hits a hard surface such as a wall but any bullet could go through walls (police use hollow points for this reason)

also several "mass" shootings since port arthur (read list some are fires )

List of massacres in Australia - Wikipedia
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