The New Taboo


New member
May 18, 2005
Decided to start at the bottom of the pile yesterday and went to Taboo for a bit of a diversion. First the place is being renovated and entry is by the back door.

Second and more significant, tried 2 backroom girls and the bottoms stayed on for both. No full nude. Is the Ottawa disease spreading?



New member
Feb 1, 2006
timbertool said:
Decided to start at the bottom of the pile yesterday and went to Taboo for a bit of a diversion. First the place is being renovated and entry is by the back door.

Second and more significant, tried 2 backroom girls and the bottoms stayed on for both. No full nude. Is the Ottawa disease spreading?

It seems to me that, in Quebec, full nude in the back has always been prohibited. Am I mistaken?


timbertool said:
Decided to start at the bottom of the pile yesterday and went to Taboo for a bit of a diversion. First the place is being renovated and entry is by the back door.
What? wasn't it just 2 or 3 years ago that they did renos?


pau2lo said:
It seems to me that, in Quebec, full nude in the back has always been prohibited. Am I mistaken?
I only remember once that the bottoms stayed on at a QC SC .... that was at Pigale's, a hot french girl from Montreal (aren't they all from Montreal?) was my very first CR dance at Pig's (@ 5 years ago?)..... heck, that was my first visit to any QC SC ..... while I was sucking her tits she said it wasn't allowed to remove the bottoms (others have said this since but still did it) ...... she did not remove the bottoms but bent over and pulled them to the side ...... so after I was done fingering her pussy and ass (told ya she was hot) she simply let the material cover her privates up again, never did remove them :D

B4 I get blasted for doing all this I want to point out I was there at lunch and I was her first CR dance of the day ... and she smelled and looked so good .... how do I describe? she had that "if only you knew how sexy I really am" or perhaps "fucking me would be your once in a life's highlite" kinda look that some french girls have ...... haven't seen her in years, we had discussed takeout on later visits but couldn't connect ..... ahhh, the mammaries!

Thing I'm thinking is .... if full nudity isn't allowed in QC SC CR, then how do the FS clubs operate? I've never had to bang a dancer at an FS place with her panties pulled to the side, they always take em off ............ Oh yeah, they're all run by gangs or mobs or whatever! hahaha

Rocky Racoon

Active member
Feb 9, 2006

Misconception #1: "The Taboo has already been renovated 2-3 years ago." In fact, you're thinking of the Pigale.

Misconception #2: "Full nude is prohibited in QC." It's been allowed for many years.

Misconception #3: "All the hot girls are from Montreal." Actually, this one is usually true... LOL


Rocky Racoon said:
Misconception #3: "All the hot girls are from Montreal." Actually, this one is usually true... LOL
if it's a true misconception would that make it a conception? :eek:

Taboo did do renos 2 or 3 or 4 years ago, I remember they were shut down a while .... I had never been there until after the renos and was amazed at the $3 beverages with a free lunch on Friday (had some awesome pork chops there) ..... also had some awesome mileage in the CR even tho the bouncer came by once per song (timing is everything) .... Tracy from Playgirls could vouch for this I think .....

Sooooo .... 1 outta 3 ain't bad, if you were a baseball player you'd be hitting .333 and making millions!!
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