The Mystery Method - interesting read


New member
May 29, 2005
I've already read "The Game" by Neil Strauss but I finally got around to reading "The Mystery Method". I'm not a PUA and I'm not on the PUA boards but this is a really interesting book.

Mystery, is actually from Toronto and was able to formulate his method of picking up women. He became a bit of a celebrity based on his pickup skills and ability to rationalize every part of the pick up process.

From Strauss' description, Mystery sounds like a bit of a head case, someone who was probably a bit of an outcast growing up. He learnt magic as a way of making friends and discovered it got him girls as well.

This is key, as you read the book it's simultaneously a textbook on how to be a public performer. His way of social dynamics, of working a room so to speak probably came from his experience of performing. He accidentally discovered a way of picking up women (although that was probably always subconsciously a motivation).

Behind the formulas, he does have deep insight into how women subconsciously and instinctively choose/ dismiss potential mates. This is perhaps the best aspect of the book. He relates everything back to our genetic disposition towards survival and replication. I was very skeptical before I read this but imo it's a good book.
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