The Legend of Baldy Chard


Active member
Aug 30, 2001
I've heard that in the 60s and 70s, one of the toughest guys in Cabbagetown, and one of the toughest bouncers in Toronto, was a man called Baldy Chard.

There are a few stories online about him having fought in some unsanctioned private prizefights during that era.

As well, lot of old-timers have told me that George Chuvalo tangled with him once, and couldn't hurt him. I'd love to hear the rest of the story.

I used to know a big tough scary old ex-con who had worked as a bouncer at a few of tougher joints downtown. He says he took a run at Baldy one time, hit him with everything he had, then realized that he'd bitten off more than he could chew. After it was over, they shook hands and became friends.

Another old ex-con said he had some trouble with a bunch of bad guys outside a club where he was working, and got hurt pretty badly. Baldy wound up settling the score on his behalf.

Anybody here ever meet him? I'm sure there are lots of good stories about him.
I don't know even know whether he's still alive.

Hrmm, he's not the kind of guy that smart people ask questions about behind his back. I sure hope this is really an anonymous board...just looking for a few good stories...don't want to know about his secrets, if you know what I mean.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
Is he the one getting his legs cut?


Apr 24, 2005
As well, lot of old-timers have told me that George Chuvalo tangled with him once, and couldn't hurt him. I'd love to hear the rest of the story.
Mike Tyson got into a streetfight once with some dude name Joe Greene (or something like that) and got his ass whipped. In a streetfight, there are no rules and no referees.


Aug 25, 2001
My memory is a bit foggy,but I'm pretty certain he used to bounce/drink at the Gerrard House/Tavern in the 70's?


New member
Nov 20, 2010
First off I have seen Baldy Chard in action myself. He used to have an after hours in Cabbagetown with a heavy trap door in the floor, it was on an upper level, after clsoing one night on the street one of the patrons, who appeared to be in very good shape was arguing with his own girlfriend. baldy warned him to stop and when he continued Baldy ended it with a very short sharp jab. I don't know if the guy has woken up yet. The blow was devastating even more so due to its short nature and the fact that the recipient was expecting it and still went down like a sack of hammers.

Now as for the Tyson Greene street fight it was Mitch Greene not Moe Greene and Tyson cleaned his clock. I saw and followed the news of that very closely at the time as a matter of fact there are links confirming this for example ....

I have seen alot of great shots over the years pro/amateur and even street that one from Baldy still invokes memories.


Active member
Aug 30, 2001
Those were good links about the Parker bout and the cops in Cabbagetown. Nice to know he had a soft spot for the local kids. I hadn't heard about the boozecan.

I never met the man. I heard from one person that (in later years, at least) you wouldn't know by looking at him that he was such a badass. Any idea how he and Chuvalo wound up tangling?
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