Toronto Girlfriends

The Good & The Bad 'n Ugly


New member
Jul 29, 2002
Above 7
Ok , I'm not exactly sure why I'm writing this . It is relevent to the "hobby" . Maybe it's just an "Oprah " moment and if I lie down for awhile it will pass . I have developed a comfort level with
3 or 4 women who provide what someone once called the "Full Escort Experience " . I am friendly with these women the same way you would be with your doctor , lawyer , plumber ....whatever . I don't e-mail them or phone them between appointments but we have become comfortable enough with each other to be able to discuss most things between episodes of me ( and sometimes them ) being reduced to a blubbering mass .

This is about two examples of "no-shows " . The names will remain a secret because that is not the point of this . These both happened last winter .

The Good

I arrived back in my hotel on one of those miserable winter nights last winter . I was in a nice room which had one of those electic fireplaces that look nice ....until you turn them on . Then they just look a bit silly . Nice room .
Message light is flashing . This will not be good news I bet . It isn't . Miss "X" has phoned to say she has to cancel . Great , there is absolutely no way I can arrange anything with any of my other favourites at this late date . The hours pass slowly and I'm more annoyed just before I go to bed than I was when I received the message .
Fast forward about 6 weeks . I have an appointment with Miss "X" again . Hey, she is worth forgiving She is 10 minutes late and I can't help but wonder whether I've been had yet again .
She arrives and our time is as good as always , perhaps better . More tenderness mixed in with the gymnastics . While we are basking the subject of the cancellation comes up . A sad expression takes over her face ...sort of like a wave washing away her usually happy mood .

She tells me .

For the last 9 months she has done some volunteer work in a palliative care unit . She reads to the patients , helps with their grooming . Does their nails I guess . Talks to them . Most are cancer victims .
On the previous night , 6 weeks ago , she had received a call at 5 pm saying that Mrs. Y was not expected to last the night but that she was still coherant as she had refused the extra morphine . She had spent a lot of time with Y and went over to stay with her , hold her hand . I guess she had no family there , I don't know

Hell even I have misty eyes now . I commend her for being so compassionate . She just looked at me and said " Compassion ....what is that ? It's not the same as pity or guit is it ? Or trying to pay off some debt to fortune or to God . I guess it's feeling someone else's pain and the only way to make it go away is to try to make their pain go away . In the end you do what you can , maybe what you have to do ,to make things better . While it's hard to believe in a god sometimes , somehow you still do ........


New member
Jul 29, 2002
Above 7
train said:
Now the Bad and Ugly .

Similar scenerio except the lady didn't bother to even phone . Nothing gets me going more than this . Brings home how little you mean as a client to not even bother phoning . I knew after 15 minutes that she wasn't coming . She had always been on time before ....almost to the point of obsessively so . I'm alternateing between brief thoughts of worry and annoyance .

I decide to phone a high-end agency . Yes they have someone available at the last moment ....she can be there in an hour .

The hour turns into one and a half . I'm about to cancel as it is getting late . She knocks on the door . I peek through the peep hole ....georgeous face ....maybe this will turn out great after all . I let her in . Her face is definitely her best asset but overall pretty good . Her eyes are big and seem unaturally bright ....why is that ? Warning sign ?

She seems ok though , well groomed and smells good . But man can she talk . Rapid fire talk , not the nervous kind but more like an obsessive type of talk . She's aggresive sexually and very liberal . By the end of hour one I'm done . We talk .

I still am concerned with the bright eyes and talking so I just come out and ask her . Yes she has taken something earlier that night because she didn't think she was going to be working . What , I ask ? Cocaine is the reply . We talk some more and I learn ( whether true or not I don't know ) she was abused by a boyfriend at the age of 17 in western Canada . From a middle-class family , but turning tricks by 18 , pimped by her boyfriend in some dreary western city . Escapes , if you want to call it that , to Montreal . Works for agencies ....both high and low end . Even works at full service strip joints occaisionally . Does drugs . It doesn't show on her body except for a softness and lack of muscle tone .

I'm not a particularly street-wise type of guy but I look in her eyes and I can tell . I can tell that this is going downhill fast and that within 2 years she will be beyond hope .

I'm not sure which situation , the Good or the Bad gave me most cause for thought .


New member
Aug 16, 2003
A good one.

My hat is off to the Lady doing --Palliative activity..
To the people never having been involved in this,Especially Cancer afflicted--You have no idea of the mental resolve needed-to be strong enough for affective Palliative Care.

I wish you all well--and most of all a life free off this dreaded Affliction.

Life is too short to hurry.


Apr 16, 2003
hiding behind my computer screen.
Coke is pretty prevalent among SP's and especially among dancers. Most SP's I'm with will admit that they've done Coke and I'm talking high end girls that look phenomenal.

Sometimes you would never guess it too. The girls are bright and intelligent and nothing like the wasted zombie like skeletons that you would imagine. I met a girl that was 28 recently, but looked 23, and she had abused everything from cocaine to the date rape drug!! That made me do a double take. I tried talking some common sense into her, but after seeing the way her eyes lit up when she talked about the drugs, I realized it was a futile cause. It's sad really, knowing that they're wasting away a bright future with so much potential.
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