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The fans killed their idol. They always do


New member
Jun 1, 2007

Those who professed to love Michael Jackson were vampires, feeders and jackals – their adulation hastened his end

Outside UCLA hospital they gather with their candles and their teddies, spooky lookalikes in full Thriller garb, wan teenagers wearing a single lace glove. They sway and sing I’ll Be There with sad faces to disguise the serotonin buzz from their frenzied collective mourn-in. Fans cry now for Michael Jackson, but they killed him. They always do.

I met Pete Doherty’s mother a few years back when he was at his most vulnerable, flicking between rehab and jail, just one misjudged fix from extinction. And she told me about his fans, who’d slip him gear when he was struggling to quit, tell her they went to every gig he ever performed “just in case, you know, it happens to be his last”. They loved him, they said, but really they were just tearing at his fame, wanting a piece to weave like gold thread into their own hessian lives.

Unlike his mother, fans have no investment in a star’s fate. It is win-win either way. If he lives, it means, perhaps, another album, a few more weekly mag exclusives of his loucheness, pet collection, addled decline. But if he dies, they have conspiracies to tweet about, a myth, a shrine to visit and vandalise with tea lights and kisses, like Jim Morrison’s raddled grave at Père Lachaise.

Jackson’s fans forced him into seclusion; they watched while he squandered his millions on gaudy sculptures, chimps and ferris wheels — which meant, fatally, he had to drag his frail fiftysomething frame back on tour; they sent their children for suspect sleepovers at his ranch to drink Jesus Juice; copied not pitied his self-abusive plastic surgery; didn’t petition social services when he shrouded his kids in burkas or dangled his baby from a balcony.

Any wise counsel he might have received was always mitigated by their bovine uncritical presence: how can I be crazy when my fans still love me? A fanbase, those base fans, are the reason, as much as great wealth, that Angelina Jolie feels she can demand a no-fly zone over part of Namibia while she gave birth there, or Madonna can march into Malawi and remove two of its unorphaned children without shame or concern at the outcry. Let the critics carp: I can sell out stadiums.

Fandom is the curse of our age. It has turned from admiration into obsession, respectful homage to idolatory. It is a virus to which no one seems immune. Once in New York, I passed a huge excited crowd outside a fancy hotel. What were they waiting for? Apparently Paris Hilton was inside having lunch. Foreign journalists (not so much we Brits) at Cannes Film Festival press conferences ask stars snipey questions, then rush forward at the end to demand an autograph.

I have never, even as teenager, understood fandom, can’t see the point of worshipping someone who is no more than a poster on the wall — and doesn’t even know you exist. Love their work, fancy them rotten: yes. Scream until you faint at a gig, write them loopy letters: never. Despite my children’s protestations I will never ask for an autograph. If I spy a famous person in London I look away. How embarrassing to be caught staring!

Fandom is so grossly unequal, so self-abasing. Even when you are closest to your Special One you are humiliated by his — at best — polite indifference to your pathetic, onanistic, unreturned love.

We know how the stars loathe the paparazzi, smash their lenses, call them — as Hugh Grant did this week — wankers and losers. But what they can’t, daren’t, say is how deeply they loathe their fans — their pestering, cloying, snatching, the demand for photos amid a private dinner, the sneaky snapping with their crummy mobile cameras while a star is buying a latte, pushing his kid on a swing, their high-horse outrage when a demand is politely refused. The stars cannot complain: they have to halt their conversation and smile. These are, after all, the hands that feed them. And so Tom Cruise buys them off with a two- hour Leicester Square feeding frenzy: call my mum, now my sister, record my answering-machine message, now kiss me . . . Insatiable, terrifying.

The most troubled person I ever met was David Cassidy, the teen idol of Jackson’s era, unhinged long ago by his fans. For five years girls slept outside his house, followed him everywhere, ripped his clothing, forced him into isolation, made his life empty and lonely. And then, abruptly, when he was no longer the pretty boy du jour they deserted him. Now, two divorces later, he loathes meeting old fans, because they will say, with no regard for his feelings, how old he looks — though they are mostly portly matrons themselves — or get drunk and take a grab at him. To them, he isn’t a man, just an odd manifestation of their teenage years: they own him and they let him know it.

In interviews with the famous, the conversation inevitably drifts into how they deal with fame. The sensible ones, those fortunate to have been raised right, with an understanding of what makes them truly happy beyond fickle public acclaim, play the photo-op game, appreciate their privilege, but put a section of their lives behind a velvet rope. (Though it is my job as an interviewer to break through the velvet rope.) I suggested to Kevin Spacey, a star so secretive he signs autographs at the Old Vic from behind a wooden flap, that isn’t it the quid pro quo for wealth that fans are admitted into his private life. “I can look any fan in the eye,” he said sharply, “and say you have no right from anything from me except the best performance I can give.”

But today this isn’t enough. We demand access all areas. Through the story arcs of famous lives played out in countless celeb magazines and blogs, we make sense of our own. Their vulnerability, failings and lost loves — for all their blessings of beauty and talent — make us feel better about our own lowly woes. Fandom is imitative and passive, it makes us sweat over the ASOS website to buy a copy of a skirt we saw Jennifer Aniston wear in Heat. Fans are vampires, feeders, jackals, bores.

Long ago an audience was presented with a boy, perfect and whole, joyous as he trilled out ABC and they watched entranced as their idolatry created a lost and broken freak. Soon in their sunglasses and gloves, they will gather for his funeral brimming with mawkish self-regard, yet wishing like Ayatollah Khomeini’s own fanatics they could rip him from the coffin and tear off a relic to cherish forever. Or, better still, flog on eBay.


Well-known member
Dec 7, 2008
asspanker said:
Very insightful, very true!

Deep but well put.We put these people way too high on a pedestal almost GOD LIKE. I have often wondered WHY people become actors models etc Is it to serve a personal agenda LOOK AT ME I'M BEAUTIFUL syndrom.

They have no lives always running from the Paparazzi always under the scope Is fame wealth etc WORTH all that. You hear some of them say they just want to be left alone,well they should have picked another line of work!!!

Many meet an untimely tragic death usually involving booze or drugs ELVIS ANNA NICOLE,MJ, FARLEY to name a few SAD,SO VERY SAD

Cinema Face

New member
Mar 1, 2003
The Middle Kingdom
Well said.

I think that all entertainers want their work appreciated. I'm sure that they all hate the obessive fans that ruin their lives. Force them into solitude and hiding behind their fences and security.

There's another side to this story though. Many entertainers are people who crave the spotlight and often do things to get attention. When they make the big time, it's like a narcotic and they will do outragious stuff just to get their next fix of publicity. These people have a love/hate relationship with their fans.

Anyway, give me the fortune, forget the fame.


Well-known member
Dec 7, 2001
Just as an add on it seems very easy to be declared a celebrity these days, two examples are some guy who writes blogs becomes one, who I have never heard of till reading about it on this site of all places (Perez Hilton) and reading a story about a former Playboy model Kendra Wilkinson in one of those free papers on the subway, stating she is marrying "football star" Hank Baskett,

now I am a huge sports nut and have never heard of this guy, I searched his name on the net and turns out he is on the Eagles as a restricted free agent and offered a one year deal, uhuh real star :D

Cinema Face

New member
Mar 1, 2003
The Middle Kingdom
scouser1 said:
Just as an add on it seems very easy to be declared a celebrity these days, two examples are some guy who writes blogs becomes one, who I have never heard of till reading about it on this site of all places (Perez Hilton) and reading a story about a former Playboy model Kendra Wilkinson in one of those free papers on the subway, stating she is marrying "football star" Hank Baskett,

now I am a huge sports nut and have never heard of this guy, I searched his name on the net and turns out he is on the Eagles as a restricted free agent and offered a one year deal, uhuh real star :D
lol I was about to use Paris Hilton as an example. Will somebody please explain why she is so famous? She seems seriously unworthy of adoration.

It seems that some people get famous for some pretty silly reasons.


Dec 27, 2004
PDSAjax said:
"they sent their children for suspect sleepovers at his ranch to drink Jesus Juice"
That one is just so way off it's not even funny. Other people are to blame for MJ very probably sexually abusing kids?


Active member
Aug 6, 2006
it all started with the Pepsi commercial where Jacko's hair caught fire, which then led to his first plastic surgery and getting addicted to pain killers...

Pepsi can go to hell!!


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
Always thought Coke was better than Pepsi....:cool:


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
Same thing for Princess Diana. If people hadn't idolized her, there would be no paparrazi on her ass every day causing a car crash.


New member
Sep 15, 2001
spankingman said:
They have no lives always running from the Paparazzi always under the scope Is fame wealth etc WORTH all that. You hear some of them say they just want to be left alone,well they should have picked another line of work!!!
I think this is largely bullsh*t. I think the stars that want some measure of privacy in their lives get it. They buy a ranch in Montana and people leave them alone.

The obvious ones that don't want it are people like Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton, Britney Spears. They thrive on the publicity, even the notoriety. But its the ones that think they can turn it on and off like a faucet. They want to be on the front page of the papers and the lead story on whatever silly program that covers these things. They want the millions of adoring fans. And then they want to go for a stroll down to the mall unmolested. And they keep going to the clubs and restaurants where the paparazzi hang out so its no wonder they are constantly in the spot light.

I don't think Meryl Steep is conflicted like this. I have no idea where she lives or what she does, but I expect she manages to live a somewhat balanced life. But then she has talent, so she doesn't have to exploit the paparazzi and other media.
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