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The Face Behind the Mess at the Ontario Landlord and Tenant Board


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Clearly underfunded and understaffed. The delays now are humungous.


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
OMG, not to defend Ford, but you people honestly believe this mess started under Ford? ROTFLMFAO!!
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Well-known member
Jan 15, 2017
Get rid of the damn Board. Is this Board another creation of the lefties.
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Bitter House****
Apr 27, 2006
OMG, not to defend Ford, but you people honestly believe this mess started under Ford? ROTFLMFAO!!
Dumping and disqualifying the most expert and experienced adjudicators ― merely for the sin of having served under a previous Liberal government.

The problem is that Ford’s government turned this tribunal into a testing ground for bizarre theories of political disruption. It allowed nearly half of the adjudicating positions to go unfilled until, desperate to undo the damage, it converted the tribunal into a patronage playground for favoured ― and unqualified ― Tories.

Ford is culpable in a self-created crisis attributable more to personal hubris than any accident beyond the premier’s control.

By late last year, landlords had to wait nearly 342 days ― almost a full year ― to evict a tenant for legitimate reasons (such as moving in or major renovations). Tenants had to wait even longer ― 469 days on average ― for redress over rights violations; maintenance complaints took 433 days; for a bad-faith eviction, the wait time was 336 days.
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Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
OMG, not to defend Ford, but you people honestly believe this mess started under Ford? ROTFLMFAO!!
Yes. It used to function fairly well. It's a funding and staffing issue.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Get rid of the damn Board. Is this Board another creation of the lefties.
Sure, Darts. You may find yourself the target of landlord hate though if you go around saying this.

Before the Board, landlord-tenant applications were dealt with at Superior Court. That was a LOT slower, more cumbersome and more expensive.

I love you guys! Apart from Ana - whose post is pretty good - you guys are sounding off about legal procedures that you know fuck all about and dancing around about the "lefties". This is going to be a fun thread for me.


Well-known member
Feb 11, 2009
the problem with landlord tenant board existed long before Doug was the Premier of lefties need to stop nitpicking what's convenient for you...would you have the balls to say most of Canada's problems started when Trudeau became the PM of Canada? And just like you...I think Doug should be replaced by someone better....


Bitter House****
Apr 27, 2006
the problem with landlord tenant board existed long before Doug was the Premier of lefties need to stop nitpicking what's convenient for you...would you have the balls to say most of Canada's problems started when Trudeau became the PM of Canada? And just like you...I think Doug should be replaced by someone better....

Yes, there were problems before the "bull in the china shop" crashed thru the front door, but once in there the thuggish bull rampaged thru it and destroyed the joint.

Read the article and the Dube report. Martin Regg Cohn the author of the article is hardly what any centrist would label as a leftist. More apt, it is a label employed by the off centered right.

Tens of thousands of renters and landlords were betrayed, year after year, by the premier’s early combativeness and cluelessness. They were cast aside by a Progressive Conservative government that played politics with the rule of law by abdicating its responsibilities in adjudicating landlord-tenant relations.

Millions more Ontarians are potentially vulnerable after Ford’s Tories wreaked havoc on the administrative tribunal that is the last line of defence for defenceless tenants and, yes, vulnerable landlords.

Unsurprisingly, Ontario’s Landlord and Tenant Board fast formed a massive backlog of 22,000 cases. The backlog grew bigger, faster, nearly doubling with no apparent ability to reel it in or recover.

Today, the tribunal is in tatters.

Doug Ford is solely to blame for this mess.


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2017
An immigrant works hard all his life and buys a duplex. He wants to rent out the upstairs. Now he finds the Board, run by bureaucrats, dictates what he can and can't do and how much rent he can charge. We need less government in our lives. (There's now even a "vacant" house tax.)
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