Ashley Madison

The extreme importance of flexibility - do NOT ignore!!!


Well-known member
May 13, 2013
Doctors are now saying that flexibility can be as important as other risk factors in determining longevity.

I am DETERMINED not to let myself become inflexible as I get older, and accordingly I have just signed up for one-on-one classes with a young woman - a ballerina actually - that can assist me in this journey.

She is actually on youtube.

Unfortunately, the classes take place in a TINY room, only about 6 feet square, but I am managing. somehow.

The classes are expensive, what with 7 a day, so I am remortgaging my house - obviously I have already run down my RRSP and TFSAs

But heck. health comes first, right?


Well-known member
Sep 11, 2004
Not to be confused with the extreme importance of flatulence.
By the way, did you know that Bjorn Borg never stretched before a game?
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