The Death of the Liberal Class in the US


New member
Jan 23, 2004
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"...the consequences of an unchecked corporatism is that we've undergone a coup d'etat in slow motion. They've won and everyone else has lost".

Harper's political agenda is exactly the same as the neocons in the states. We have got to get that useful idiot handmaiden of the corporatist right OUT of power before we end up like our american neighbours.


Active member
Sep 6, 2008
Unfortunately, there are more 'Neanderthal country bumpkins' out there in North America.


New member
Jan 17, 2004
Unfortunately the coup d'etat in the US by the neocons, bankers, corporatist, illuminate etc. (..pick the name) is almost complete when the likes of Sarah Palin, Michelle Backman, Boehner et al. can be considered "rising stars". Intellectually they are 'pigmy's' and I might be insulting the pigmy's. They have been able to get the "bumpkins" to vote against their own self interest by tricking them into believing that "..some day they will make it to be part of the ruling class and all this 'gold' will be theirs for the taking so just follow us like sheep and everything will be all right"

The sad part is that as they go down they will take Canada down with them as well.......we may have a chance to save ourselves but that chance is fading and I don't see anyone in any party here who has the vision, courage, fearlessness to lead and guide us out of this and resist our home grown neocons, bankers, corporatist, illuminate etc. from mirroring the US. Look at what is happening in the rest of the world with the stirings of "Peoples Rvevolution" taking place. Not to be dark but I can't help but sense a tipping point has been reached especially when we saw what happend at the G20 fiasco last summer in Toronto. I don't expect what is happening overseas will happen here in Canada any time soon but you just never know......


Apr 24, 2005
Unionized public sector workers with their secured jobs, high pay and benefits and indexed defined pensions are doing just fine.


New member
Jul 18, 2009
If you saw Obama's "State of the Union" address on Wednesday you might think that he has reconciled himself to Hedges view of the US. He promised to work to resist the effect of the traditional lobby groups, to move bank profits to health care (I'm simplifying), to increase taxes on highly paid company execs. and to veto any bills that had "irrelevant riders" (my words). I can't believe that what he said was received with any great enthusiasm by the assembled multitude (which was shown in the lack of the traditional "Jack-in-the-box" behaviour of the audience) but, if he can deliver, he might go a long way to restoring some faith in "liberalism" in the US. Then again . . .


Dec 13, 2005
If you saw Obama's "State of the Union" address on Wednesday you might think that he has reconciled himself to Hedges view of the US. He promised to work to resist the effect of the traditional lobby groups, to move bank profits to health care (I'm simplifying), to increase taxes on highly paid company execs. and to veto any bills that had "irrelevant riders" (my words). I can't believe that what he said was received with any great enthusiasm by the assembled multitude (which was shown in the lack of the traditional "Jack-in-the-box" behaviour of the audience) but, if he can deliver, he might go a long way to restoring some faith in "liberalism" in the US. Then again . . .
It all seems very Monty Python-like. Wink. Wink.
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