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The bigger picture


Well-known member
Mar 10, 2013

I find it interesting to see when and where Americans feel the need to draw the line with respect to what troubles them to the point of taking action on an issue.

For many many decades American foreign policies have resulted in the deaths of millions of people around the world either directly and violently through the forcible acquisition of resources or death by starvation through sanctions put in place on countries for much the same reasons, also selectively manipulating and supporting foreign governments dividing its populace and leading to genocide and ethnic cleansing.

All the protesters in these videos are born out of a black and white issue, should they not have pre-existed for other more significant reasons.

How is it that millions of dead bodies have filled the bellies and made the beds that Americans black or white take comfort in seemingly without an ounce of conscience? but this issue? this is where Americans draw the line? this is wrong? this must not be allowed to continue? our collective conscience cannot allow this to happen. This we will not tolerate?

What form of mass hypnosis has resulted in a population of individuals dead to the screams and suffering of millions around the world?

Something has changed in our media, in us as individuals, as a society, as humans, we seem incensed that in our own lives we cannot see or feel the experience, the tragedy, that would animate us into action, despite decades of atrocities that should have done just that, this is why despite all our complaining and all our criticisms of our own governments nothing ever changes, we are as unconscious and unable to alter our circumstances as are mindless grazing cattle ending up on a menu.

This incident of a white cop killing a black man creating the public outrage that it has is for me is a drop of water of wrongdoing drawn from an ocean of wrong. It is an issue that must be addressed and remedied however I see it as a stricken match, there will be a brief flare a puff of smoke some comforting words and actions from public officials and then we will all go back to sleep dead to the suffering of millions of people of all colors around the world that result in our standard of living.

Admittedly I am guilty as well.

How do we change us? to change this?

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Well-known member
Nov 6, 2010
You can't change it and it will never change.
People only care about social issues if they directly affect them. What happens outside their comfort zone is irrelevant to them and really don't care. Why would somebody in Nebraska care about a village in Somalia? It doesn't affect them so why stress about it.

That's it.Plain and simple.
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