Toronto Girlfriends

The Beautiful Miss Bloom


Well-known member
Jul 19, 2018
It’s been a while… a long time that I haven’t produced any real review.

Yes, The Black Bass met this goddess. Trust me, she is beautiful, sexy, sensual and worth every penny. And, the day The Black Bass met her, she was horny AF. It could’ve been a dream, but no. It was for real. Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to this new chapter of my confessions.


Confession of The Black Bass: The Beautiful Miss Bloom

I ran on Miss Bloom’s ads for the first time sometime around the end of this past summer. My mind went bananas. Hmmm… who the heck is that? Pics are fucking gorgeous! No kidding! Let’s do a bit of searching. First thing first, let’s point all radars toward her. I was intrigued, an immediate attraction to her beauty. The Black Bass is commanding info, he needed to know and was about to find out.

As my spies going right and left across the world, first reports brought to me confirmed that pictures were real. That’s a good start. But wait… at the time, in fact, she was pregnant. And it was written in her ad. Yeah, ok… well, I know that some of you folks love that, some of you have their fetishes or whatever about pregnant women. It’s ok… but, TBH, it’s not for The Black Bass! Let’s wait and see, you know what I’m saying. Then, a few days later, I saw her profile on the Hush schedule. Goooood, I like Hush and several girls over there. So, I was guessing that she will be there until mother nature does her job, than she’ll come back there after a few weeks/months/years, I don’t know. It’s ok, I like Hush and guessed that I will run on her one day over there. In the back of my mind, I told myself “Just wait, Black Bass, just wait, be patient. Tout vient à point, à qui sait attendre!!!”. I really don’t know… a few months? A year? Whatever, we’ll see! Let me find her “X” account and follow her for any updates. Found it… all good!

But then, without any warning, she disappeared from the Hush schedule after a few weeks. And wait… her “X” profile also disappeared. And that was it. I guess mother nature was doing her job.

That what you think.

Suddenly, a few weeks later, her ad reappeared on LL. I decided to contact her immediately. Communication was easy, there’s no more question of pregnancy, I got the quote I needed to know, she told me that she was no longer at Hush but now independent and was working near the airport, Ok! But, that day, our schedule couldn’t match, it will be for another day.

A week later, her profile appeared on the CMJ’s website… honnnn, my Get-Go place! I booked her through the website immediately.

And here I am, once again, me, The Black Bass, getting ready to meet a beautiful woman at CMJ. Promising. I met almost all my regulars at this infamous place called CMJ (almost all were MA at one point at CMJ – Thank you, Jasmine). Never forget, You Only Live Once! Now it’s the wait: as usual, I’m in that room, thinking, waiting, fantasying! Sitting on this couch where I like to sit, both eyes on that door, quietly breathing, thinking, imagining the next hour, hoping for the best, fantasying through my mind. You could hear a pin drop, you could feel my heart beating, you can see my breathing speeding up. And then, I anticipated it, but now it’s there. It’s here. It arrived… THE KNOCK… Here comes The BEAUTIFUL Miss Bloom!

Knocking on the door and entering the room, the aura that preceded this Goddess, as she was entering, was unreal. She was armed with that killing smile revealed in her pics. That smile is everything, it’s large, it’s honest and it looks sincere. She is exactly like her pics on the website and on her ad. She walked to me, just like that new girlfriend who missed you all day and who is extremely happy that you’re finally home. Her beautiful eyes are going deep inside of you, surrounding your soul. She is attractive. I met a lot of women in my life. She is part of the top ones. Of course, beauty is a taste, but that’s me.

She came to me with such confidence, hugged me, embraced me, kissed me. We sat for a bit, getting to know each other, just talking, asking, sharing information, our likes, our expectations. As we were talking, her sensuality prevailed. Her sweet way to talk, her delicate gesture, her soft voice captivated my mind. Hey what’s up… let’s start the fun. I like to caress her long dark straight hair, she likes me caressing her long dark straight hair. My hands are slowly moving around her incredible body. Her hands are all over my rough body. We touch. We smell. We feel. We hug. We look. And… we kiss. I love it. She loves it. I’m good at it. She’s good at it. Why not then? Let’s do it!

As we moved to the shower, we kept kissing/touching/feeling each other. It was intense, it was burning. Body to body, feeling each other. Shower for two was just a continuation of it, as she kept holding me tight while kissing. Her body was dancing under the water, raising the desire, each part of my body felt it. My body was shaking everywhere. A true and real GFE.

We stay maybe 10 minutes in the shower, playing with each other, before moving to the massage table. The massage table was just an opportunity to continue this unacceptable behavior. I confess, that was bad. Over there, nothing stayed straight. Right – Left – Up – Down – Inside – Outside – On top – Under –Beside – Across – Whateveeerrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!! Niaaaaaaahhhhhhh. I need to calm down, just writing this get me crazy. As I’m not going to be much more explicit here, let say that we had a lot of fun together. I will let you with your dirty little imagination. Miss Bloom and The Black Bass created a much welcome chemistry, incredible memories and something tells me that she enjoyed the time she was with The Black Bass for real.

That hour, I didn’t saw it going, it went way too fast. Unacceptable, it should’ve last for ever. But anyway, we talk a bit after, and we agreed that we should see each other again. Soon… That was a great experience with this new temporary girlfriend.

Yeah, well, when The Black Bass want it and it’s possible, it will happen again.

So, a week later, CMJ East… Another episode of “When The Black Bass meet Miss Bloom”. Grrrrrrrrrrr… Well, I wish I could say more, but that’s not the case. What’s new? Nothing: SF2, kissing, fun time and the rest can be part of your dirty little imagination. I’m the type of guy who prefer to keep deeper details of sessions between the provider and The Black Bass. And never forget that My best moments are those I can’t talk about. What can I say more? The session went too fast again. If I win the 6/49, you know what I’m gonna do. That was fun time, and we get to know each other a bit more. Eventually, I will see her again.

I believe she’s a time bomb. I’m warning you, as she is taking over the Ottawa scene by storm, she will be very busy and very soon. So, if you want to have a piece of her, if you want to know what she’s all about, before she gets unaffordable for the small people looking for HVFM, line up yourself to CMJ website before it’s too late.

Confession of The Black Bass: If I wanted to be selfish, I wouldn’t write this review, hide this gem and not responding to any pm about her. But I think you guys have the right to know. Treat her well, I’m pretty sure she’ll return the favor.

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Look: 10/10
Massage: N/A
Services: 12/10
Personality: 12/10
Location: 8/10 (well… it was @ CMJ)
Overall satisfaction: 15/10

Repeat: It’s not even a question, I will for sure.
Recommend: Absolutely… Hurry up!

Other thread about her:

I am the Black Bass... and I approved this message!
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Well-known member
Jul 18, 2018
I saw her after her appearance at Hush, can agree with everything written above. Lovely lady and need to repeat soon.
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New member
Oct 17, 2023
I believe Miss Bloom was in Ottawa not a couple of weeks ago. If you’re one of her preferred clients she will message on X asking about pre booking for her visit. I unfortunately was busy but can confirm she is amazing.
Okay thanks! I saw her once and it was great. I see she has a private Twitter so maybe I'll add her there if I don't see her ads again.
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