The 12 Days of Christmas (The Obama Version)


Jan 31, 2005
Do you have any other topics?

But for the record:

1. Federal spending spree? For that you want to look into the money spent on the Iraq war

2a. I gave you the list of Republicans who cheated on their taxes in another thread--it's a long list.

2b. Bailout of AIG? It was Bush that nationalized the US economy faster than you cay say "Huge Chavez", bringing the majority of American mortage liability onto the Federal books--AIG was small potatoes.

3. Tsars in the whitehouse? Sounds good to me.

4a. Quantitative Easing is a Ben Bernanke policy--Obama didn't appoint him. In fact, Obama kept the Bush appointees in their jobs, and QE began under Bush--and for a good reason, QE was the right thing to do, which is why both Republican and Democrat Presidents did it.

4b. US currency needs to fall, a low US dollar helps US exports and should support the recovery--it's a GOOD thing

etc., it gets dumber as it goes on, eventually listing off stuff that actually mostly happened under Bush, and a bunch of outright made up stuff. You'd have to be pants on head retarded to believe that stuff.

Of course I don't expect you to respond to these points intelligently--you don't rate well enough intellectually to think for yourself. You're a Republican cheerleader, a dittohead who is limited to reposting other people's criticisms--and you're not even smart enough to paste the substantive criticisms. You post mostly mindless stuff.

At any rate, find a new topic, your ill thought out criticisms of Obama are getting boring. Can't you at least criticize some Canadian politicians? McGuinty ought to be a favorite target for you--what's your obsession with Obama?
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