Thanks to ALL !!!!


Nov 26, 2002
HI everyone. I just wanted to take this opportunity to say thanks to terb all the terbites. A great deal of the email I get, hits on my geocity and guys that come to the Spa seem to mention terb. As many of you know (and seen lol) I have been working as an indi escort for a while (on top of being an MPA) and have had a great time, meeting some great people. The Spa Management showed some concern at the fact the Spa was mentioned on my site and may cast unwanted attention in it's direction. I completely understand and as a result I am working my last shift tonight at the Spa and it so happens this weekend will be my last as an Independant. I'll change my geocity over the weekend to show you where I start on Tuesday...... I can't wait for what/who lays ahead... I think it's going to be fun!!!!!!
I'm not mentioning any names as I'm not here advertising. I just wanted to say thanks to terb and it's readers.

Naughty Dreams


Well-known member
Nov 17, 2002
A real classy lady

Hi there Taylor: I second what 42million wrote above. Please remain an indy! I've enjoyed reading your posts here and on ED and I don't frequent MP's. However, that being said, myself and many others who have just discovered you, wouldn't want to miss out on Taylor Time. I heartily concur with everything 42million wrote about you, except that he forgot to mention your wonderful sense of humour. Love your jokes! A friend of mine who is a great fan of yours, mentioned you to me, not long ago, and said you were the finest MP/SP he's ever had the pleasure of seeing. Anyway, best of luck!!!!
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