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Thank Keifer Southerlands grandfather for health care in Canada.


New member
Apr 7, 2010
The title of this thread should have been simply "Thank Tommy Douglas for health care in Canada". Anyone who doesn't know who Tommy Douglas is, is living under a rock.

Tommy Douglas = Most important person in the history of Canada!


Dirty (Not So) Old Man
Jun 13, 2009
North of GTA
Unfortunately the Canadian education system does not understand the concept of teaching history to students.
Any history about Canada that I find interesting or of any value I learned after I graduated from high school.
If they taught us about Tommy Douglas, Grey Owl, Frederick Banting or even the Black Donnellys, maybe history classes might have been more interesting.

If you wanna read a good book that teaches Canadian history in a fairly light-hearted and entertaining manner, grab Uncle John's Bathroom Reader Plunges Into Canada, Eh.
It is brand new and in the humour section. I bought it last week and cannot put it down.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
School's are supposed to teach the dull stuff; the interesting stuff you should be learning on your own. Where the schools fall down is failing to overcome the childish notion that ignorant stupidity—being the same as your dullard TV-besotted classmates—is all anyone needs. By always praising what little Johnny did do, they encourage mediocrity and conformity, and accept the immature notion that to excel is to show off.

Anyway if you're up to date on your Heritage Minutes, you will have noted that it was a socialist predecessor of Tommy's who got us old age pensions. CBC-TV regularly identifies Kiefer's actress mom, as Tommy's daughter, but doesn't bother w/ the Kiefer connection. I guess it's all a matter of the relative importance one attaches to such tidbits.

Now what has Kiefer been doing since Flatliners?
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