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TerryCrewsSaysWeinsteinCaseGivingHimPTSD AfterRecallingTimeHollywoodExecGrab his Dick


Active member
Aug 30, 2009
Terry Crews Says Weinstein Case Giving Him PTSD After Recalling Time Hollywood Exec Grabbed His Dick
zeropointnow Tue Oct 10, 2017 6:00pm EST 7 Comments

After the New York Times report on sexual predator Harvey Weinstein broke, the floodgates appear to have opened – as several Hollywood stars have come forward with their stories of abuse at the hands of executives.

Actor Terry Crews went public with his own tale of abuse over Twitter in a series of tweets Tuesday afternoon, revealing that he was groped by an unnamed male Hollywood executive at an industry party last year.

Crews says he almost beat the guy down, but didn’t out of concern for negative press – tweeting “240 lbs. Black Man stomps out Hollywood Honcho.”

The unnamed exec apologized the next day, and Crews let the incident go over fear of being blacklisted.

Read Terry’s tweets below:

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
It's often been said that what is really scandalous in Hollywood is not which actress slept with the producer to get a part, it's which leading man gave it up on the casting couch to get the part.


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
The unnamed exec apologized the next day, and Crews let the incident go over fear of being blacklisted.
I draw a distinction between Harvey Weinstein's incidents and Crews'. In the case of Crews, the offending person showed remorse without being publicly shamed. There's no reason to make it public and ruin that guy's life for what was likely a drunken joke. Totally different from a serial offender who routinely uses his position to sexually assault vulnerable people, without the slightest hint of guilt.

Hell, I've had the exact same scenario as Crews happen with a female coworker at a party. At worst it was annoying and embarrassing, but I'm certainly not having PTSD over it!


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
Hmm, on a positive note, Weinstein is not homophobic nor racist. He will sexually abuse any adult no matter the stripe or gender.
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