terrorist cell in Buffalo NY suburb


Oct 5, 2001
The breaking news here is a terrorist cell of five members were arrested in Lackawanna, NY a suburb of Buffalo.
Pretty close to home I might say.
I am sure the news will cover the whole thing in extreme detail


New member
Feb 3, 2002
they also had a group of Islamic men in custody in Florida most of the day because someone made a prank call. real high tech security info their running off of there.
Feb 2, 2002
gramage said:
they also had a group of Islamic men in custody in Florida most of the day because someone made a prank call. real high tech security info their running off of there.
This is an example of where news gets twisted into something it is not....

It was not a "group" of Islamic men, it was three men of Middle Eastern desent. (Jordan, Iran and Pakistan). This is far from being Islamic. One was a Muslim, but I have not read one article saying they were all muslim. They were Med Students going to Miami for some type of conference. They were detained due to what a woman in a restaurant said she over heard.



pure evil
Aug 20, 2001
Originally posted byJacques_Offe: I am sure the news will cover the whole thing in extreme detail
Oh, no doubt about that. So far all they are saying is that the cell was not a direct threat and only of a supportive nature or something to that effect .... this has been pool, reporting for TERB, and probably further distorting the facts in the process...

Originally posted by Kathleen: Well, we knew the threat was far from over.
No doubt. Georgie and his posse are ensuring that the threat will exist long after he, his children, his grand children and their children are all gone.

Originally posted by Grammy:real high tech security info their running off of there.
Indeed. I heard from the captives, who were being detained on CNN for further questioning, that they were asked, "How do you feel about America ?" upon their initial assault ...

I once thought people were supposed to be innocent until proven guilty. Now, it seems Arabs and others from the middle east are guilty by race and/or religion, and have to try and prove themselves innocent ...
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resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
well pool, you see, it is sad when an entire race of people have to put up with what a few rotten apples have created but, tell me, if you were a cop, and heard over your radio, a description of three people who had just knocked over a grocery store, and killed 7 people in the process, and you saw three people in front of you, matching the description, would you not at least stop and question them?

If you notice I left out any sort of description as no matter what the description is, the police, or public have a right to ask or question, or be aware of that description.

Unfortunately in this case it is people of middle eastern heritage. I am 100% positive that the majority of all middle eastern people and all people for that matter don't harbour any ill will against us, or or friends to the south, but for the time being, until this blows over, there is going to be a certain wariness about anyone matching the description of the terrorists.

Is it fair? NO

Is it right? NO

Will a lot of innocent people be inconvenienced? Most likely YES

Does it have to be done? Unfortunately, YES it does.

Are we or the US authorities locking up everyone? NO, just people who are suspicious or who match a certain description or profile.

Is it only people of middle eastern heritage that are being inspected, detained or questioned? NO

Did we create this whole mess? NO our lazy ass attitude toward security did.

Are we going to have to take some inconveniences, and maybe some loss of the freedom we once had? Yes, we will.....

Why am I writing like this? Hell if I know...its late, I've had a long day, and I'm just about done


New member
Feb 3, 2002
I know these are paranoid times we live in, but whatever happened to "I would rather see a thousand guilty men go free then one innocent man imprisoned"? that is the basis of both our and the American legal system after all, and it seems to have gotten lost amongst the fear of who is living among us. I realize I am the last person to ever be profiled against (I am as white as it gets) but this still bothers me in many ways.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Oh just for a little info:

The last time I crossed the border in my truck, I was pulled over for a secondary inspection (mind you I had a back seat full of tools and stuff) and went into immigration.

While I was there, being questioned VERY politely by the immigration officer (btw, I was travelling with a middle eastern buddy) a VERY belligerent person was in line, now this guy was as white as white could be, he was being asked to hang up his cell phone and pay attention to what was being asked of him. He yells at the top of his lungs "I"m an AMERCIAN" the immigration officer yells back at him "WELL SO AM I" but YOU have no ID, no driver's licence and no way to PROOVE it......

My point being is that EVERYONE has to be prepared to proove who they are, not just a select few.

Also, the last time I flew, I was beeping through the metal detector (my damn zippo lighter) and was very politely frisked by this cute young security agent (while being eyed by two army personnel with M16's at the ready). Mind you I didn't mind it a bit when she fondled my butt but you know what? I thanked them for being so cautious because I could get on the plane knowing that is they checked ME that closely, they were checking everyone!

I tell you , my first reaction was to go WOOP! when she ran her hands over my butt, but for the first time in my life, I kept my mouth shut heheh I didn't think the soldiers with the machine guns would have found it funny......


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Well gramage, I don't think that is precisely what our legal system is based on. Basically what you are saying is that we should let every prisoner in jail RIGHT NOW, go free because there for sure, is ONE innocent man there? Ummmm no.......uhhh no are you whacked??? NO for christ's sake!

It truly is a shame when an innocent person is wrongly arrested, mal treated, or spends time in jail, but hell, what we do is a hell of a lot better than many other legal systems in this world.

I forget who penned this saying "the needs of the many, outweigh the needs of the few, or the one".......

vidi vici veni

Pedantic Lurker
Aug 17, 2001
Across the Rubicon
That quote

tboy said:
I forget who penned this saying "the needs of the many, outweigh the needs of the few, or the one".......
I did a Google search. Apparently you are quoting Mr. Spock from Star Trek II, The Wrath of Khan". Live long and prosper, tboy.



resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Yes, I do remember it from that movie, but it is also used in "The Needs of the Many" by Matt Adams (whoever he is) "“Such the altruist, yet unable to see that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few."

I am sure it was used in the movie as a reference to another more famous (or infamous) author.....if I find it again, I will post it, if not? Then spock it is........
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