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Ted Laturnus Badly Injured in Motorcycle Crash

Kilgore Trout

Active member
Oct 18, 2008
Automotive journalist Ted Laturnus was badly injured in a motorcycle accident a couple of years ago in Vancouver and could only write about the incident recently because his lawsuit against the insurance company to get compensation had to be settled first.

His was a classic case of a car driver not seeing him and making a left hand turn in front of his bike. So Laturnus ends up a bleeding mangled up heap on the pavement.

His advice to bikers after this incident.

-Be visible and have loud pipes. A lot of drivers can't see a motorcycle but if they have loud pipes the sound of them makes car drivers think twice about changing lanes without looking.

-Ride a bike that matches your ability.

-Stay away from dare devil motorcycling habits. Ie driving and cornering too fast.




Active member
Nov 14, 2003
Automotive journalist Ted Laturnus was badly injured in a motorcycle accident a couple of years ago in Vancouver and could only write about the incident recently because his lawsuit against the insurance company to get compensation had to be settled first.

His was a classic case of a car driver not seeing him and making a left hand turn in front of his bike. So Laturnus ends up a bleeding mangled up heap on the pavement.

His advice to bikers after this incident.

-Be visible and have loud pipes. A lot of drivers can't see a motorcycle but if they have loud pipes the sound of them makes car drivers think twice about changing lanes without looking.

-Ride a bike that matches your ability.

-Stay away from dare devil motorcycling habits. Ie driving and cornering too fast.


Except in his accident loud pipes likely wouldn't have changed anything as he was approaching the other motorist when she turned in front of him so the majority of the noise would have just been behind him annoying the neighbourhood.
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