Tattoos and Photos


Just someone living the life!
Sep 26, 2020
Long time lurker here.

Here is a topic for discussion - tattoos and photos. A number of providers have tattoos ranging from one or two very discrete and small ones to large tattoos covering most of their body. I have noticed that some providers proudly display their ink while others edit their photos to remove them.

To the hobbyists here - what are you thoughts on this? Don't care either way, feel the provider is being a bit deceptive in order to secure a session, etc. Does it change the way you perceive the provider or affect whether you will repeat?

To the providers here - what are your thoughts on this? One basis for the removal is safety - don't want to have anything that can identify you. This works if your photos are "faceless". What about those providers who show their face but still edit out their tattoos?
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Active member
Nov 7, 2011
I’d prefer to know ahead of time if the SP is sporting lots of ink. I think it’s deceptive when the body art is photoshopped out and no mention is made of it in the agency bio.


Just someone living the life!
Sep 26, 2020
Never been big fan of tats but lately it has not bothered me especially with my new SB I have been seeing
When the ink is professionally done, it can really enhance the personality of the provider. That is not always the case however. I was like you in my early years (about 30 years in hobby). However, when I was in SanFran I had a regular who was a walking canvas. A gorgeous lady! That’s all it took to open my eyes!

Now got the curiosity going- don’t hold out on us, who is the new SB?😊😈
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Super unknown member
Dec 17, 2021
I like tattoos in moderation. Even if there is a heavy amount of tattoos, it's not a deal breaker for me. But I do find it dishonest if they have been so heavily photoshopped in their pix, that you just can't tell they had any tats at all! I am fine with some light blurring of that tats, you can't tell the designs, but you can tell that there is some coloring there. Then there is also the case where they are using old pix.


Well-known member
Nov 29, 2013
Not sure what the fuss is about. I find that tattoos have almost no impact on my overall experience. Like clothes or makeup tattoos can add or takeaway from the overall aesthetics but the experience is about personality, connection, and feel. As long as the person is the same in the photos I have no concern over what they are wearing.
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