Take a look at this


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Stacey: I've seen that guy before on TV and damn, he's funny.....

Louis Black is a riot too...if you ever see his "Black on Broadway" show listed anywhere, get it...

I loved his line:

First thing we gotta do, is build a big fuckin wall along the canadian border.....Cause that's where all the fuckin cold air comes from!

ANother fav:

For all you people who dream and ache to fly to New Zealand.....I have some advice...DON"T

So, you get on the plane, take your seat, eat breakfast, watcha movie, read a book, eat lunch, sleep, watch another movie, eat dinner, sleep.....

then you get to do the whole fuckin thing 2 more TIMES
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