Svend gets one more paycheck--on the taxpayers!

Sep 8, 2003
Away from here.
Svend Robinson is technically no longer an MP. However, the NDP used a loophole in the Elections Act which gives parties 30 days to wind up an MP's term after an election.

The result?

Svend represented Canada at some cultural conference in Europe recently and cashed yet another paycheck on the taxpayers.

With an $80K pension coming from us already, he couldn't have paid his own way?

Has this guy no shame???????

Perhaps he gave a speech at the conference on "How to steal jewelry and still get paid to represent a country---when you're no longer an MP."



CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
As mighty as the NDP is, and as high-handed as we all know socialists are, I can't see how they ever had the power to make Svend a representative of Canada. Unless it was their own socialist conference of course, and then why not and who cares?
Funny it's only a loophole or a technicality when the 'bad' guys use it. If it benefits us it's "just a legitimate tax break", or a "wrinkle in the insurance contract".
The law's the law, loopholes and all; please do suggest what you'd like changed. My own vote would go to no pay after election day if you're not elected; shoulda cleaned out the office before you campaigned. But MP's —all of them—have always treated themselvers very generously, haven't they.
Hws about pay and benefits equal to serving RCMP Inspectors, by law?

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Svend is so over, it's not funny.

He's going to be doing volenteer work at the gay drop in centre in Vancouver after all this crap.

Steeling a ring, give me a break you idiot.

Eveyone here knows it's probably not the first time the idiot stole something, just the first time he got caught.

And you know that those tears on TV were not tears of remorse, just tears of self pity.
Sep 8, 2003
Away from here.
oldjones said:
As mighty as the NDP is, and as high-handed as we all know socialists are, I can't see how they ever had the power to make Svend a representative of Canada. Unless it was their own socialist conference of course, and then why not and who cares?
Funny it's only a loophole or a technicality when the 'bad' guys use it. If it benefits us it's "just a legitimate tax break", or a "wrinkle in the insurance contract".
The law's the law, loopholes and all; please do suggest what you'd like changed. My own vote would go to no pay after election day if you're not elected; shoulda cleaned out the office before you campaigned. But MP's —all of them—have always treated themselvers very generously, haven't they.
Hws about pay and benefits equal to serving RCMP Inspectors, by law?
Jones, surely you jest: a tax loophole is fair game.

Jetting off on taxpayer's cash after admitting publicly you stole under duress is simply shameful.

Now let's talk about all the Telefilm money you and your cronies have gulped down while chin-chin-ing with Peter Hernsdorf et al ;)


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
OK Mao, if as you say, tax loopholes are fair game, is any loophole that makes/saves you money also fair? Or only if taxes are involved? The laws are what they are, loopholes and all, and acting as the law provides is what we're all supposed to do. Taxpayer's cash is just cash. The only difference is that, unlike business, the guys spending the taxpayers' money actually have a face-to-face showdown with them every few years, called an election.

Shame: now that's quite a different matter, one of personal standards, codes, culture and upbringing. I'd certainly be happier if Svend demurred from such official functions of his own volition, but there are all sorts of folks trying to lead more-or less normal lives pending court dates and possible criminal conviction. At some point, we have to say, that was then, this is now. Opinions differ on that point, only the actual staute is 'universal'.

Would that some of that Telefilm money had been mine to gulp down. Not only has it dried up* along with about half to three quarters of a billion dollars of local business, but since I work much more at the mushroom farm level, what might have trickled down to me through any loopholes tasted just as you'd expect.

*What actually dried up was the Ontario Tax credit, thus making production in Manitoba, New Brunswick and elsewhere much more attractive. A misguided Tory move to cover some of their short fall, since they're collecting 5% more on 30 to 50% less gross. Government's like any other business as far as economics goes: raise your price, watch your gross fall.


Once more into the breach
May 21, 2004
Waterloo Region
Before we go dumping caca on Mr (Ms.?) Robinson, we should be clear of the facts.

First of all, although Svend decided not to run for office again, he is still an MP until the new representatives take the oath. As such, he still has all the rights and privileges of his office. We may not like it, but them's the rules, folks!

(Bear in mind that I'm no fan of Svend - I find his outbursts and causes just a bit too contrived for my liking.)

As for the theft of the jewelry, he has not yet been convicted of anything. He hasn't been to court and no judge has made a decision in the case. Legally, he's still innocent until proven guilty. Now, that may seem like a moot point in this case, but the fact remains that he hasn't actually been found guilty yet.

Morally and ethically is another question entirely, but legally he actually is completely within his rights.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
It also came to light after the first hysterical, finger-pointing articles, that he's an elected executive member of the body having the conference. He'd sorta hafta be there anyway, even if the Canadian delegation was filled up leaving him out. And he's not so much representing Canada—and in no way the government, it's not a government conference—as playing host and handing over to the new executive.

Plus: what happygrump said.

Might I make a small request for future: that the name-calling and finger wagging please come after the fact finding.


Well-known member
Nov 17, 2002
A big mistake for the NDP!

Ed Broadbent would have been a better and wiser choice! Latyton made a big boo! boo! here.
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