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Surprise, surprise Kosovo in chaos


Apr 7, 2005
No one here on terb saw this coming.:rolleyes:

Get ready for more mass killings, destruction, bombings, and massacres.

"Kosovo is our Jerusalem and we will never surrender it!" Boris Tadic, Serbian President, February 20, 2008

Yeah, this is going to end well.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
I take no pleasure in saying that I said this was going to cause trouble and was something that those pushing it would come to rue. :(


New member
Jan 19, 2006
danmand said:
Russia Threatens use of force
Friday, Russia said it has not ruled out using force to resolve the dispute over the territory if NATO forces breach the terms of their U.N. mandate.

Moscow's ambassador to NATO Dmitry Rogozin said "If the EU works out a single position or if NATO steps beyond its mandate in Kosovo, these organizations will be in conflict with the U.N., and then I think we will also begin operating under the assumption that in order to be respected, one needs to use force.."

Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Mikhail Kamynin stated "What happened in Belgrade yesterday is regrettable. But we would want to draw your attention to the fact that the forces that supported the unilateral recognition of Kosovo's independence should have realized the effects of the move".
I seem to recall having written last Sunday in another thread "Further the deliberate disregard for Serbian and Russian feelings on this issue is something I fear we shall rue."

This truely does have the potential of being August 1914!


Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
I'm still confused as to why the US would back a new muslamoterrorist country just to spite a Christian country. The dividing line was clearly drawn on Sept 11th ( for many of us much much earlier, but that allowed the late adopters to catch up) and its is very much Us verses them with NO middle ground.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
LancsLad said:
I'm still confused as to why the US would back a new muslamoterrorist country just to spite a Christian country. The dividing line was clearly drawn on Sept 11th ( for many of us much much earlier, but that allowed the late adopters to catch up) and its is very much Us verses them with NO middle ground.
So in your world US is them?


Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
danmand said:
So in your world US is them?

You are doing it again, once more without results.

Us refers to the collective group of normal western industrialized countries and those less fortunate but willing to place nice with others. Us did not refer to the US, that is why I only capitalized the first letter.

them is the third world terrorist scum that wants to eliminate Us and force everyone into the same pathetic stone age existence they dwell in.


Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
Other Wanderer said:
Yes, it must frustrate you to no end that your entire standard of living depends on "them", much more than theirs really does on 'ours' (because they have no real sharing of wealth, even on the lousy terms we do). Welcome to the new world ... or wait a minute ...

... if you actually knew anything about history, you'd know that this isn't very "new" at all. England's survival as a power, as historically short-lived as it was relative to "their" Empires, was always dependent on the resources, learning and thinking that came from either Southern Europe, the Middle East or Asia.

It is guys like you, with historical ignorance, who venerate the very leaders that eliminate your relevance as a nation. The deep irony is that you do understand that your failure is your own fault, and just can't verbalize it to others, who have already figured it out.

You use a lot of words , yet you"say" nothing.



Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
LancsLad said:
You are doing it again, once more without results.
Only because you don't read your own posts.

LancsLad said:
I'm still confused as to why the US would back a new muslamoterrorist country just to spite a Christian country. The dividing line was clearly drawn on Sept 11th ( for many of us much much earlier, but that allowed the late adopters to catch up) and its is very much Us verses them with NO middle ground.
If it is Us versus them, with no middle ground,
and the US is supporting Them, then the US is part of Them.

If your views do not pass the test of logic, then maybe ..........


Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
danmand said:
Only because you don't read your own posts.

If it is Us versus them, with no middle ground,
and the US is supporting Them, then the US is part of Them.

If your views do not pass the test of logic, then maybe ..........

Thats why I said I was confused. The US should not in any way shape or form support any islameonterrorist country. I had the same view when they bombed the Serbs before. The Serbs were simply doing the same proxy work that isreal does yet the Yanks haven't bombed isreal, yet.


Insert comments here!!
Jul 19, 2006
In your head
If we apply the same standards to Kosovo that Reid and Pelosi have applied to Iraq...would Kosovo be considered a failure?


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
Should we withdraw US troops now.....



Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
great bear said:
It is good to see everyone playing "nice" with each other.

What this thread needs is words of cold sober wisdom from Esco.

I miss Esco. Too many bears and not enough 7th level guys posting, that's the problem.


LancsLad said:
I'm still confused as to why the US would back a new muslamoterrorist country just to spite a Christian country. The dividing line was clearly drawn on Sept 11th ( for many of us much much earlier, but that allowed the late adopters to catch up) and its is very much Us verses them with NO middle ground.

Oh for Pete's sake!!!!!! Kosovo is not going to be independant for very long. The idea is to have Kosovo, Croatia, Montenegro, Slovenia and Albania become provinces of the European Union and members of NATO thereby blocking Russia from the Adriatic sea. Bush is still concerned about Russian power projected into the Mediterranian.

The thing I worry about is that with Russia on the upswing Putin can actually afford to send the Red Army to Serbia. What makes that so bad is that this will force "NATO" (actually Germany) to send a lot of troops into Croatia Slovenia and Montenegro to counterbalance Russian power.

Why Germany? because the USA doesn't have the troops. Poland doesnt have the money or the power. France is limited in its force projection capability. That leaves only the Germans to move in.

What a wonderful scenario.



New member
Jan 19, 2006
enduser1 said:
Oh for Pete's sake!!!!!! Kosovo is not going to be independant for very long. The idea is to have Kosovo, Croatia, Montenegro, Slovenia and Albania become provinces of the European Union and members of NATO thereby blocking Russia from the Adriatic sea. Bush is still concerned about Russian power projected into the Mediterranian.
While I doubt that particular logic, concern about blocking Russian access to the Mediteranian seems to me to go a back a lot further than the current U.S. Administration - the Crimean War among other events springs to mind.

However, in general, I agree with your comment "What a wonderful scenario."
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