Garden of Eden Escorts

Supply Verses Demand Of SP's/Courtesan's/Campanion Girls Korean Style


Feb 18, 2004
Turoro, Nova Scotia
These days its Buyer's Market, & not seller' adult industry.
The conservative estimate recently conducted by an indpendent survey & research group, found out that over here in GTA there are approximate over 350 SP'sCourtesan's, Companion Girls who offer Korean Style (No Sex) Massage & oral fore-play, some working dancers, & MPA's have also joined the bandwagon of Sping on the side lines, alongwith their regular line of work
Whereas on weekday's the average utility/consumption from clients is around 150~175, whereas on weekend the average demand for their services increases to 200 & above in #'s
Every day there are additions of girls on various Web Pages, & Adult Sites, + these days the C.L. is topping the list with daily ad's from over 100 ladies, who offer their various services, & some are even B&S Type.
Soeme of these working angels even visits various cities of Ontario, & even cross borders to find greener pastures, due to Supply verses Demand position is on decline.
Hope with advent of Spring things would get brighter too for them, in the meanwhile many are offering their special's to keep the flow of their regular's
to meet their fixed over-heads. This is a general over-all review & no offence meant for any individual or agencies. Rather constructive veiws are welcome.

Goodluck to all in adult industry of GTA.


Jan 31, 2005
If you ever want to see proof that marketing works look no further than this industry. Look at some of the asians and EE's working for $120/hr. Some of them offer better service, are prettier, and friendlier than a lot of the $220/hr escorts. What's the difference? The $220 ones have got the most basic marketing in place (good ad, website with photos, and probably a subtle shill or two). The $120's have phone operators that don't speak English (often themselves), bizarre ads, and no hype.

A little bit of effort making the outfit seem professional adds $100 to every hour worked. It's GOT to be worth it.

There's likely a job opportunity for someone who has minimal marketing skill approaching these SP's and slickening up their presentation. It's be a win-win for everyone: SP makes more money, customers get better information, marketing director makes a living. Doesn't have to be exploitative.

Someone should open up an ad agency that sells services to independent SP's. Not just a good photog (there are those) but the full package, PR, web, branding, customer service / phone op.


Jan 31, 2005
Meister said:
What do you mean? Showing up on Entertainment Tonight?
Public Relations. Thinking through what message you put out. Good PR is a cornerstone to effective branding. Note that this is not just for high-end SP's or something, I'm pointing out that getting a BASIC job of this done is the difference between $120/hr and $220/hr.

You know what all those SP's that come on here and post are doing at the end of the day? PR. They are carefully managing the public perception of them. Without singling anyone out, when an SP comes on here and posts how much she loves sex, she's building her brand. It might even be true, or not, but either way posting how much she loves sex, how cool she is with it all, etc. is an exercise in PR, and it adds significantly to demand for her services.

Pretty much anywhere charging the $220/hr rate has at least put SOME effort into the way they appear to us, even if they're not active on terb, they find other ways to promote their image.

The ones not doing this charge $120/hr...


Well-known member
Apr 17, 2003
fuji said:
Without singling anyone out, when an SP comes on here and posts how much she loves sex, she's building her brand. It might even be true, or not, ...
You mean Stacey may not love anal after all? Damn.

Sorry Stacey, couldn't resist.


The Queen of BBBJ
Aug 16, 2003
i really do love sex believe it or not thats your choice.
the reason i give specials isn't that i'm hurting for clients, but more of a payback or thank you to the ones who have spent time with me or the ones who wish to simple as that.
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