Sue-Ann Levy (Sun) - Liberals refuse to make needed spending cuts


Sep 25, 2013
The real solution to deficits is neither cuts nor tax increases it is GROWTH. Business is not spending. Therefore there will be no growth without government stimulation and increases in aggregate demand.

How does the government stimulate the economy? By spending on needed infrastructure and by quantitative easing.

The best way to stimulate the economy is to increase the minimum wage, make unionization easire, cut taxes but only for the poor, if Canada, increase welfare and EI, pensions. Money must be spent causing economy to roar.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
The real solution to deficits is neither cuts nor tax increases it is GROWTH. Business is not spending. Therefore there will be no growth without government stimulation and increases in aggregate demand.

How does the government stimulate the economy? By spending on needed infrastructure and by quantitative easing.

The best way to stimulate the economy is to increase the minimum wage, make unionization easire, cut taxes but only for the poor, if Canada, increase welfare and EI, pensions. Money must be spent causing economy to roar.
1. The minimum wage is high enough.

2. Make Unionization easier? Are you high? The labour laws in Ontario are already hugely in favour of collectivization and if anything, Ontario should become a right to work province. Unionization and the stupidity that comes with it is the reason that the auto manufacturers are leaving in droves, Cat shut down 2 plants and this province has the highest labour rates in all of North America.

3. The poor don't pay any taxes.

4. EI and Welfare? How bout, "get a job". Encourage deadbeats to work instead of depend on the government.


Sep 25, 2013
1. The minimum wage is high enough.

2. Make Unionization easier? Are you high? The labour laws in Ontario are already hugely in favour of collectivization and if anything, Ontario should become a right to work province. Unionization and the stupidity that comes with it is the reason that the auto manufacturers are leaving in droves, Cat shut down 2 plants and this province has the highest labour rates in all of North America.

3. The poor don't pay any taxes.

4. EI and Welfare? How bout, "get a job". Encourage deadbeats to work instead of depend on the government.
Right to work simply means "The Right to work for less." It lowers wages which is a disaster for an economy that needs demand. The minimum wage would need to be $15 per hour to have the purchasing power it had in 1968.

The poor pay HST, take it off anything they use,

There are no jobs dufus, that is the problem.


Mar 12, 2004
So simple

The real solution to deficits is neither cuts nor tax increases it is GROWTH. Business is not spending. Therefore there will be no growth without government stimulation and increases in aggregate demand.

How does the government stimulate the economy? By spending on needed infrastructure and by quantitative easing.

The best way to stimulate the economy is to increase the minimum wage, make unionization easire, cut taxes but only for the poor, if Canada, increase welfare and EI, pensions. Money must be spent causing economy to roar.
Keep on hearing about increasing the " minimum wage".

To what $15/hr,...$20/hr,...if more is good,… why not $30/hr,... unionised workers can black mail to get that rate, with ABSOLUTELY NO justification for the rate, to do menial, none skilled labour ,...

So if that’s is a workable economic concept,…there is no reason why everybody should get $30/hr…to flip burgers,…no different than the sweeper in a union shop.

Why bother unionising everybody,…just make the minimum $30/hr,…problem solved.
The ecocomicy soars…(no I did not misspell)

What would you suggest the new rate should be,... and how do you think that rate be "enough",...1 year,…2 years,…3 years ???



Sep 25, 2013
Keep on hearing about increasing the " minimum wage".

To what $15/hr,...$20/hr,...if more is good,… why not $30/hr,... unionised workers can black mail to get that rate, with ABSOLUTELY NO justification for the rate, to do menial, none skilled labour ,...

So if that’s is a workable economic concept,…there is no reason why everybody should get $30/hr…to flip burgers,…no different than the sweeper in a union shop.

Why bother unionising everybody,…just make the minimum $30/hr,…problem solved.
The ecocomicy soars…(no I did not misspell)

What would you suggest the new rate should be,... and how do you think that rate be "enough",...1 year,…2 years,…3 years ???

The aim is to have it as high as it can possibly be without any negative consequences. This is in the $15/hour range right now. It should be tied to the CPI but politicians are reluctant. It should always go up just as fast as the average industrial wage. It it does not it is actually being cut.


Mar 12, 2004
How high is up

The aim is to have it as high as it can possibly be without any negative consequences. This is in the $15/hour range right now. It should be tied to the CPI but politicians are reluctant. It should always go up just as fast as the average industrial wage. It it does not it is actually being cut.
WHY would it have negative consequencesif it was say,...$30/hr ???

Why tie it to the average industrial wage,...that has gone down or stagnated in recent years,...(unionised anyway),...why not to civil servants wages, teachers ???



Sep 25, 2013
WHY would it have negative consequencesif it was say,...$30/hr ???

Why tie it to the average industrial wage,...that has gone down or stagnated in recent years,...(unionised anyway),...why not to civil servants wages, teachers ???

Why not CPI most inflation protected things are liked to CPI. In a recession, raising the MW does not cause unemployment. During better times it is debated.


Senior Turgid Member
Nov 13, 2003
Durham Region, Den of Iniquity
The real solution to deficits is neither cuts nor tax increases it is GROWTH. Business is not spending. Therefore there will be no growth without government stimulation and increases in aggregate demand.

How does the government stimulate the economy? By spending on needed infrastructure and by quantitative easing.

The best way to stimulate the economy is to increase the minimum wage, make unionization easire, cut taxes but only for the poor, if Canada, increase welfare and EI, pensions. Money must be spent causing economy to roar.
One can argue that the deficit in this province is due to the fact that the Liberals spent time and money on all the wrong things, instead of for the public good.


Sep 25, 2013
One can argue that the deficit in this province is due to the fact that the Liberals spent time and money on all the wrong things, instead of for the public good.
Easy to say, name the "wrong things" other than gas plants. One persons "unnecessary" is another persons "critical".


Mar 21, 2011
Keep on hearing about increasing the " minimum wage".

To what $15/hr,...$20/hr,...if more is good,… why not $30/hr,... unionised workers can black mail to get that rate, with ABSOLUTELY NO justification for the rate, to do menial, none skilled labour ,...

So if that’s is a workable economic concept,…there is no reason why everybody should get $30/hr…to flip burgers,…no different than the sweeper in a union shop.

Why bother unionising everybody,…just make the minimum $30/hr,…problem solved.
The ecocomicy soars…(no I did not misspell)

What would you suggest the new rate should be,... and how do you think that rate be "enough",...1 year,…2 years,…3 years ???

Just compare the health of the US, which has largely implemented most of those policies you advocate, with the health of the norther European countries which have supported unions and wage protections.
The US is a disaster, high unemployment, low life expectancy, lower pretty much every metric, those policies are failing.
Why bring more failed policies up here?


Sep 25, 2013
Right to work has done wonders for the economies of Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana.... hey wait.


Court Jester
Oct 17, 2011
Easy to say, name the "wrong things" other than gas plants.
How about the Clean Energy Benefit (which actually encourages more energy use).

Or the outrageous subsidies for renewable energy.

Or the doubling up of both teachers and early childhood educators in full-day kindergarten classes -- a sop to the unions to create a whole bunch of unnecessary teaching positions.


Sep 25, 2013
How about the Clean Energy Benefit (which actually encourages more energy use).

Or the outrageous subsidies for renewable energy.

Or the doubling up of both teachers and early childhood educators in full-day kindergarten classes -- a sop to the unions to create a whole bunch of unnecessary teaching positions.
All great ideas. If you don't shift to rewewable energy you will die.


Sep 24, 2004
The real solution to deficits is neither cuts nor tax increases it is GROWTH. Business is not spending. Therefore there will be no growth without government stimulation and increases in aggregate demand.

How does the government stimulate the economy? By spending on needed infrastructure and by quantitative easing.

The best way to stimulate the economy is to increase the minimum wage, make unionization easire, cut taxes but only for the poor, if Canada, increase welfare and EI, pensions. Money must be spent causing economy to roar.
Oh bloody hell.... we really need a bloody revolution to cleanse this country of this type of moronic thinking. How about you fucking socialists get the fuck out of my pocket and I'll have more to spend and take care of my family rather than giving it to corrupt theiving pieces of shit to blow on moronic grants, boondoggles and hangers on. Government should never be a growth industry. We should not have 1 government employee for every 5 citizens. It should be more like 1 for 100. Easier unionization? O.K. buddy you'll attract industry and growth with that. Jesus fucking christ how stupid.


Sep 25, 2013
Oh bloody hell.... we really need a bloody revolution to cleanse this country of this type of moronic thinking. How about you fucking socialists get the fuck out of my pocket and I'll have more to spend and take care of my family rather than giving it to corrupt theiving pieces of shit to blow on moronic grants, boondoggles and hangers on. Government should never be a growth industry. We should not have 1 government employee for every 5 citizens. It should be more like 1 for 100. Easier unionization? O.K. buddy you'll attract industry and growth with that. Jesus fucking christ how stupid.

You fit in well with tea party yahoos. They are also ignorant of modern economics. No aggregate demand no economy. The role of government is to move money from 1% to 99%so that people can afford to buy things.


Sep 25, 2013
Oh bloody hell.... we really need a bloody revolution to cleanse this country of this type of moronic thinking. How about you fucking socialists get the fuck out of my pocket and I'll have more to spend and take care of my family rather than giving it to corrupt theiving pieces of shit to blow on moronic grants, boondoggles and hangers on. Government should never be a growth industry. We should not have 1 government employee for every 5 citizens. It should be more like 1 for 100. Easier unionization? O.K. buddy you'll attract industry and growth with that. Jesus fucking christ how stupid.

That is the Hoover thinking that caused the Great Depression


Sep 24, 2004
That is the Hoover thinking that caused the Great Depression
LOL.....Righhhhttttt. Government does not create jobs. People do. Governments fuck up every thing they touch. Every level of government in this country needs an enema. McGuinty, Wynne and their band of thieves are the most corrupt government in the history of this Province. Whorevath is another tax sucking twit. The problem with socialists is they are not going to move it from the 1% to the 99%. Their definition of the 1% includes everyone over a slight middle income and then they will transfer it to lobbyists, cronys and their corrupt hangers on. Socialists are great at spending other peoples money. They are a plight on the taxpayer, a cancer if you will. They are far worse than the 1%.


Sep 24, 2004
You fit in well with tea party yahoos. They are also ignorant of modern economics. No aggregate demand no economy. The role of government is to move money from 1% to 99%so that people can afford to buy things.
The role of the government is to regulate, and to maintain order and peace. It is not to steal what I EARN, with MY LABOUR, for MY FAMILY. If you want to buy more, work harder. If you want a better job, educate yourself and work harder. I don't work for you. I don't create my personal wealth to give to you. If people were taxed less, they will have more to spend. The level of taxation from income to consumption taxes are obscene and unsustainable. In fact they are reaching revolutionary levels . People have no more to give. Especially with the return we get from corrupt, thieving governments like we have in this Province. Want to know why we have little industry or manufacturing left in Ontario Einstein? People like you.
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts