Asia Studios Massage

Stripper Shoots Lap Dance Customer with Breast Milk

Stripper Shoots Lap Dance Customer with Breast Milk
Customer files police Report

JULY 30--Just when you think you've seen all the dangers a strip club can offer, something new comes along. Early Saturday morning, David Buhler, 23, and a buddy visited The School House, a southern Michigan topless club, where the guys repaired to a couch to enjoy some adult entertainment. There they were approached by Kasey Ann Colvin, a 20-year-old stripper who hovered over Buhler and asked, "Do you want some of this?" According to the below Jackson Police Department report, Colvin, who had recently given birth, then shot something "out of her breast in a white milky form striking Buhler in the face going into his eyes and by his nose." Believing he'd been slimed with mother's milk, Buhler became angry and contacted the club manager, who apologized and offered him free soft drinks and lap dances. Buhler declined the freebies and contacted the cops to file an aggravated assault complaint. One of the club's owners told officers that the lactating lap dancer acknowledged that she "had started to leak a little bit, possibly maybe drizzling" her milk on Buhler. Police plan to forward their report to local prosecutors, who will decide whether to formally charge Colvin, who has yet to be interviewed by cops. (3 pages)

For complete Police Report see: files police Report

JULY 30--Just when you think you've seen all the dangers a strip club can offer, something new comes along. Early Saturday morning, David Buhler, 23, and a buddy visited The School House, a southern Michigan topless club, where the guys repaired to a couch to enjoy some adult entertainment. There they were approached by Kasey Ann Colvin, a 20-year-old stripper who hovered over Buhler and asked, "Do you want some of this?" According to the below Jackson Police Department report, Colvin, who had recently given birth, then shot something "out of her breast in a white milky form striking Buhler in the face going into his eyes and by his nose." Believing he'd been slimed with mother's milk, Buhler became angry and contacted the club manager, who apologized and offered him free soft drinks and lap dances. Buhler declined the freebies and contacted the cops to file an aggravated assault complaint. One of the club's owners told officers that the lactating lap dancer acknowledged that she "had started to leak a little bit, possibly maybe drizzling" her milk on Buhler. Police plan to forward their report to local prosecutors, who will decide whether to formally charge Colvin, who has yet to be interviewed by cops. (3 pages)

For complete Police Report see:


Flaming Pig :(8)~
Jan 7, 2003
GTA (Gash, Tits, and Ass)

This story, almost verbatim, has already been posted on another thread. Of course in THIS version, we get to read it TWICE in the same post.

Now it's on here THREE times.

Gee, thanks Dave...can you say "originality"? Better yet, try practicing it.

Pyro the pig.
Toronto Escorts