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Strip Club Reviews


New member
Mar 28, 2004
I am not a frequent SC patron, and I don’t get private dances, so if you’re a regular SC guy who knows the ins and outs of that scene, these reviews are useless to you. But if you only go to SC’s once in while or are are a strip club newbie, this might be helpful.

First I went to Nuden in Ottawa, near St. Laurent and Belfast. It’s a very modern, clean, well-decorated club. I was impressed. There were about a dozen dancers there, all of them 7-9’s. A lot of girl next door types who just happened to be stripping. You could see the girls showing up for work in their street clothes, which I really enjoyed because you could get a sense of what they look like in day to day life. You could easily bump into one of these girls at the mall, except here, they strip for you! It was definitely a classy place, with a big central stage, lots of seating including a terrace with at least one big leather couch, and a mezzanine overlooking the stage. Also a separate smoking room. Good place to bring a crowd of guys who want to look at some solid babes and have a good time. I have no idea about mileage with the dancers though, but it seemed like the kind of place where everything would be very above-board. The big problem I had was the cost. $4 cover charge which is not too bad but $6 for a bottle of domestic beer. When did they start charging airport prices at strip clubs?? This isn’t one of the downtown Montreal places where the women are perfect, so I wasn’t happy. Spent $10, had one beer, left.

Next stop Pigale in Gatineau. Pretty much the same type of place, except you can smoke there. Clean, modern, new, classy. Central stage with lots of seating around it, including some fenced-off sections with love seats. Again I was impressed, as I am used to the dirtier strip club with 70’s style fake-wood paneling, disco balls, linoleum everywhere. This is a class act. The girls were slightly better than Nuden, including a couple of 9’s. Maybe 3 of them. Remaining girls were 7-8. Again though I didn’t get any private dances so I don’t even know the cost. And also again, you could see the girls show up for work in their street clothes. Excellent. This is another great place to bring a bunch of guys to sit around and watch some nice tail. But I was once again torqued at the fees. $4 to get in and SEVEN DOLLARS for a bottle of domestic beer. Fuck that. Off I went.

One thing that pissed me off about both these places is the infrequency of the floor show. Sure the places were empty on a Monday night, but with a dozen girls sitting around each club, I was not impressed with having to wait three, four, five, six songs between stage dances. I was at Nuden for about 45 minutes and saw two girls, plus the start of a third girl. At Pigale I was only there a half hour and saw two girls on the stage. Not acceptable.

One thing I liked about both clubs was that when you told the girls that you weren't interested in a private dance, they were very polite and didn't keep asking you. Canadians are so polite, no matter what the circumstance!

Third and final stop was across the street from Pigale at Club Taboo. Very very different atmosphere than the other two clubs. The first hint was the heavy metal music cranking out. This is a lower class club, not newly renovated, and the girls were not of the same caliber as the other two bars. They were 5-6’s, with one seven, and a couple of them were actually ugly and had no business being strippers. The difference though, is in the accessibility of the girls. I didn’t try for mileage but I will definitely go back to Taboo because, of all three clubs, this one seems like the place with the sluttiest girls. It’s small, so I doubt anything would happen inside the club, but if you wanted to make a play to take one of the girls home, my sense is that you’ll easily be able to get one of these girls to walk out with you. They just seem trashier and easier. And the 6’s and the 7 were more than acceptable for a few hours of play, maybe even in the roach motel right next door. The best part was, only $3 to get in and a meager $3 for the same brand of domestic beer that cost over double that across the street.

So I guess you get what you pay for, because the better looking dancers were definitely in the newer and pricier clubs. But for Bayisle66, trashier is better, so I prefer Taboo. To each his own. Oh yeah, and the coat check girl is a twin for Sarah Michelle Gellar. Tiny, same figure, same nose and face, same hair. That alone is worth the price of admission!


bayisle66 said:
One thing that pissed me off about both these places is the infrequency of the floor show. Sure the places were empty on a Monday night, but with a dozen girls sitting around each club, I was not impressed with having to wait three, four, five, six songs between stage dances. I was at Nuden for about 45 minutes and saw two girls, plus the start of a third girl. At Pigale I was only there a half hour and saw two girls on the stage. Not acceptable.
This is not the norm, Monday is not the best night to gauge by. If you go at lunch time or nost evenings (esp after 9 or 10) the action is much faster paced. In fact at Pigales on a Friday (and others I'm sure) after @ 10 they open the other stage and you have 2 girls going at all times. :)


All about the fun!
Jun 28, 2005
OOOooo just wait

Hey Lurk........
Something tells me you could put your $1.25 into his and get things straight!

The Lurker

All grown up. :O
Sep 7, 2005
Yeah don't be a sh*t disturber!

THAT said. Go to Barb's. Even during the day or early Sunday night they have the stage "womaned" with no more than 2 songs going by with out someone.

'Course you could lose you mind like I have done and go for lunch then wonder why it's dark at 2:00! Lot's of dancers from other bars go there, either to take a break or are moving on and it's a waypoint.

Some fav's (YMMV):
Angel - Blond, really cute, handfuls, quiet and smiles a lot.
August - Raven haired, tanned French student, very cuddley.
Bianca - Tall, blond, enhanced, very soft and smells great.
Chante - Short, black curvy and very soft.
Emily - Brunette, best implants, very curvy, lip stud and likes to cuddle.
Erika - Tall, Blonde, enhanced, older/experienced.
Jen - Tall, big bust, long legs, loves women, great duo.
Jennifer - Really short, red head, freckles and a great smile.
Leiha(?) - Really short, enhanced, drop dead gorgeous and legs over the head flexible.
Mikkia(?) - Brown hair in ponytail, curvy, likes to kick beers, cute.
Stephanie - Short, blond, glasses, big rack. Time stands still talking with her!
Tyler - Tall, blond (hair enhanced ; ), very athletic, freckels, no body fat.
Aug 31, 2004
In the Ring

I'm not feeling ya, Dude. Do you rate an NHL game on the price of the franks at the concession stand ? Like, what does the cost of beer have to do with SCs ? You know grog is going to be expensive but that's not why you go there in the first place. I mean if you're sucking on stubbies all night I can understand that you're going to burn through alot of cash but if that's your MO, you're going about it all wrong IMO. You're there to see the entertainers, and get jiggy with it. Without any doubt the Pigale dancers are the hottest in the region. Lots of 9s and a few 10s, weekdays and weekends. Play your cards right in the CR and you'll get your freak on. Most of the dancers are nice, level-headed and there to have a good time themselves.

Barbs comes in second IMO in terms of how hot the dancers are, and again they're above board, in general. Lots of real lookers, with a few stand-outs and then you'll also find a mix of dancers there who are more or less biding there time.

The dancers at Barefax (which I haven't been to in years, I'll admit, but I know nothing's changed), Playmate and Nuden are rougher around the edges and I'd shy away from (with the exception of one or two dancers at the Mate whose game is tight and clean up $ wise because they're standouts)-- but it sounds like they suit you just fine - no problem with that, if it's working for you go knock yourself out.

I'd lump Club 77, O'Ladies, Silver Dollar, Oasis, Tatoo and Club Pink all together - bottom of the heap. I also haven't been there in years but know them well from general reputation. You go there, you take your chances you're going to get pimped out, sucker-punched, ripped off, assailed by the dancers or leave feeling you need to take a shower as soon as you get home.


All about the fun!
Jun 28, 2005
hehehehe the detail on the ladies.......
Maybe you should do a list like the MP list but on SC...........
There you career........profesional SC reviewer.....

The Lurker

All grown up. :O
Sep 7, 2005
Sure and go broke for you guys?

Hey any Ottawa clubs need a shill for terb???

KIDDING!!!! Ducks for cover!


New member
May 5, 2003
Ottawa beer prices

I don't want to say this too loudly but I am suprised that beer prices are not higher in the SC. Many restraunts that I have gone to lately are charging close to SC prices for beer.


New member
May 18, 2005
Crystal at Playmate

Had a dance from Crystal at the Playmate the other day. Short blonde hair, 5'4ish and athletic build. Very liberal but only if you like pain. Very rough.
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