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Strip Club Dancers free fall on genitals

Strip Club Dancers free fall on genitals

Of course this would never happen in Canada?

Poor, poor Justin Scheidt. The Indiana man claims that he was seriously hurt last June during his bachelor party at a Fort Wayne strip club. Justin claims that he was injured after being brought up on stage at Showgirl III by some of the talent.

While two dancers held him down at the base of the strip pole, a third woman cannonballed down it from about six feet. The stripper's "free fall" ended when she crashed "squarely on his genitals causing him excruciating pain," according to a complaint Scheidt filed in Superior Court.

Scheidt claims that he told the trio to stop, "but they refused to do so and in succession each of the female entertainers took turns ascending the pole and then landing on his genitals in a free fall while the other female entertainers held him down."

Scheidt--who was hitched hours after his bachelor party--contends that he could not consummate his marriage on his honeymoon because of "serious and permanent injuries" suffered at the strip joint.



Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002

sometimes no means yes! Explain that one to the new Mrs.

Hmmmmm ..... now now, I wouldn't mind having my genitals being abused by dancers ... I would probably even get an erection from it regardless of the pain ... hehehe ... but that's just me :)

And I agree with "onthebottom" ... because I am submissive in bed, I always whine saying "no" ... but deep within my heart I really mean yes ... and women have a hard time reading me ... hehehe ... so they stop whatever they are doing afraid they'd hurt me ... but I enjoy the slight pain and sensation ...

Alien (<>..<>)

Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
They landed on him with their feet or with their butts? With their feet it might had hurted, but NOT with their butt. I have had girls landing on me with their butts in swimming pools from that same height and it doesn't hurt. Maybe the guy's a chickenshit whiner.

Cardinal Fang

Bazinga Bitches
Feb 14, 2002
I'm right here
Alien (<>..<>) said:
They landed on him with their feet or with their butts? With their feet it might had hurted, but NOT with their butt. I have had girls landing on me with their butts in swimming pools from that same height and it doesn't hurt.
One too many cannonballs eh Alien? Now I understand....


New member
Jan 31, 2003
Ahem... just to point out, Alien, that our earthling body structure is vastly different than ...yours. And we do feel physical pain AAMOF.
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