Stephen Harper plays the politics of hate against Muslims


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
Harper is stoking the fear card in hopes of garnering badly needed votes in the upcoming 2015 election. I can't say it's a bad strategy but I hope most see right through it and cast the Reformers out in 2015.

Stephen Harper’s twin planks of taking on Muslim terrorism and Muslim attire are even more popular in Quebec than in the rest of Canada, writes Haroon Siddiqui.

Quebec’s charter of values was designed to tap into anti-Muslim bigotry. But the Parti Québécois government of Pauline Marois couldn’t quite figure out how to target Muslims alone. Wrapping itself in the secular flag, it proposed a ban on all religious attire and symbols, hoping that the Montreal Jewish General Hospital and institutions of other faiths would take up its offer of opting out for five years. That would clear the way to ban niqab-wearing women from accessing public services, including health, and fire hijab-wearing women from daycare centres and the health sector. PQ strategist and cabinet minister Jean-FrançoisLisée admitted that much: “We are not dummies. Nobody will be at the doors of Jewish hospitals taking kippas off of doctors’ heads. That’s not the case.”

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