Toronto Escorts

Stella PK

Jiffy Pop

Active member
May 6, 2003
Was just wondering if anyone as tried Stella from Pink Kitty yet and if yes how was the experience. Pictures look great but my track record with this agency is not great. One of the things I have encountered is the up sell of services. If bbbj is included in her rate I plan on trying her.


$ Talks Bullshit Walks
Nov 27, 2002
Jiff.. you faker.. I saw a smiley and was thinking you hit it.. and had great news to report..

Jiffy Pop

Active member
May 6, 2003
I did not word that properly your right. Actually when I saw that you replied I figured you hit it and I would get reliable info. To me she kind of looks like a stripper but instead you get fs a winning combo.


you guys are both hitless!! someone better hit it soon ......

Horny B

New member
Nov 13, 2007
I almost hit her many years ago before she had her man made addition, was going to meet her, but when arrived at the room there was her buddy to whom she wanted to show the rope of the trade. She left the room leaving me with her cute buddy, stating that she was going to the Bar downstairs along with an ? guy who was with them. She came back less than 10 minutes later stating that she had forgotten something in the room. Started calling every 10 minutes over and over, until I had to realize that I wouldn't get what I had paid for. She was waiting in the corridor still with the ? guy, claiming that she had been kicked out of the Bar.... Again that was few years ago when I was starting in the hobby. I soon realize that had to change of Agency. For Stella, effectively she have been a stripper in Montreal for awhile. As for her present service, I hope that she has matured and is now more professional. Still that somebody will have to TOFTT and sorry but not me.
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$ Talks Bullshit Walks
Nov 27, 2002
hrm.. 4hours later.. He's MIA men.. man down!


Dec 12, 2010
Sorry guys nothing to report. Called PK and she wasn't working today. I guess after reading Horny B's story I saved myself some disappointment. Thank the stars.

Pink Kitty Escorts

New member
Dec 30, 2009
ACtually Checkmate, you have nothing to thank the stars about. You just missed out on probably one of the hottest escorts in Ottawa. And HB I would say that encounter you had is probably a LONG time ago because the breast enhancement happened over 3 years ago. being that she is only 22 maturity is def the cause and cure for that situation.

Horny B

New member
Nov 13, 2007
ACtually Checkmate, you have nothing to thank the stars about. You just missed out on probably one of the hottest escorts in Ottawa. And HB I would say that encounter you had is probably a LONG time ago because the breast enhancement happened over 3 years ago. being that she is only 22 maturity is def the cause and cure for that situation.
Yep all your Star performer are top A-1 until they shit in our hands. We know what follows: You are not responsible, they don't work for you, you are just their representative. Blah!, Blah! Blah! ....
Repeated hundred of time on this the point that you have lost all credibility with long time members.
And yes it's being awhile, since I registered November 2007, but the best decision that I have made since, is to never return to your Agency and listen to Jason sales pitch. Don't even know if he still
with you, or if he now work as used car salesman.
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Pink Kitty Escorts

New member
Dec 30, 2009
Well HB, Sounds like losing you as a client was a terrible loss to our business. As far as taking a shit in your hands, probably a few guys on here that would pay big bucks for that. :)

In all seriousness though, the complaint that some of you guys have is that we the agency aren't taking care of the client. The problem that you are having with us is actually the reason we are so sucessful and have been in business for so long and we have been thriving.

Our clients are the ladies we represent, they are the ones that pay us. They pay us to advertize, screen, and clear away undesireable clients. To organize their hotel rooms, and transportations, and photography. Our product we sell them is You the gentlemen that call us and want to meet hot girls. Basically what I mean by that is our client base. And on this board there are MANY gentlemen, whom we have been dealing with for many years. We respect you, and on behalf of the ladies we thank you for your patronage. And there other's that are not gentlemen, and you are the ones we like to deter and avoid. We leave you to the other agencies.

The end result is we retain and continue to attract fantastic ladies, who are spoiled with better than average clients. The Gentlemen that call us end up winning because they have a consistant group of new and exciting faces. And we end up detering guys who just want to whine and gripe over frivolous things, and instead of dealing with the issues properly they decide to post it on a board that allows them to vent.

Rest assured we will continue to be successful as this has been a reciepe for success for 7 years. Very few other agencies in Ottawa can claim that level of Success.
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