Toronto Escorts

Stay away list


Jun 26, 2003
We badly need a STAY THE HELL AWAY, and I’ve decided to start one. Till recently I’d taken a break from being a punter and decided to make up for all the missed time. Hit the usual ladies like Annie, Tania, Giselle et al. Things were just fine till I decided to be adventurous. Statistically, it’s impossible not to meet a bad SP and I had mine over the last week end and hence my motivation for this post.

Quest : I should have simply stayed the hell away.

Lynn: Located in Centertowne. Nice over the phone and nice to speak with. Went over all exited, she opened the door and I ran away. Quit laughing cauz it’s not funny. Sigh!!!!! I’m sure I could have made into the Olympics.

Natasha: Said she was 19, cute voice, 100 lbs, 355-38XX near Gladstone. She smelled nice and was clean. After that it went downhill. Started to rush, uninspired BJ, so much so I lost all my excitement. To top that she then says, “Well I know we agreed for XXX on the phone, but I really need XXX to FS�. I have no idea how she thought I was going to go for that, and this time I ended up laughing at her and partially for being there. That’s when I left and decided we sorely need a Stay away list.

My own biased conclusions:
- I will never again using Quest again. I’d rent a porn first.
- I’m fairly new to Ottawa and know I really know to stay the hell away from Gladstone area. Don’t care even any of other punter finds a gem. Heck, I’m not going anywhere near Gladstone!!!!!!!!
- I did a search and found some articles from other members for stay away, should have checked first.
- Next I get the craving for something different I’m going to ask one of the SP’s to hook me up with one their friends.

Grrrrrrr… no wonder why Ottawa gets bum rap. Couple of ladies like the aforementioned and we’re screwed even though we have awesome SP’s coming to Ottawa.


New member
Jan 19, 2004

I believe you are referring to the AAA spa on Montreal Road. I do agree that this place should be avoided like the plague. Always has been and always will be a ripoff. Even if you look like Brad Pitt and have lots of $$$, you will get a lousy massage that will last less than 2 minutes followed by a mechanical release from a totally uncaring bitch. I don't know how this place stays in business...

Also avoid Monica who currently advertises on EC. When I saw her, we had to walk past her husband/boyfriend who was sitting in the living room. She had to leave during our (totally uninspired and forgetable) session to let in a Rogers internet repair guy who ended up working in the room next to us.

DO go to see the ladies that advertise on EC who visit from Toronto and Montreal. I have had universally great experiences with the ones I have met.


Indy reviewer
May 15, 2003
More names for the "Stay the hell away list"

I'd like to add a few names like Abby (EC) & Cara - saw Abby last night. Man what an uninspired, fatpig, hurryup nighmare.

Cara is the original missing link. Missing teeth, stringy hair, hurryup and get the F*** outta here business.

$Cnote for the both of them. Bah! what a waste of time.


Indy reviewer
May 15, 2003
Monica Incall

Jeez - if I had to pretend I was the freakin' plumber or cable guy, I'd make sure my butt crack was well-exposed for all union guys to see. Seriously, I know what it's like trying to git the job done while someone's got a stopwatch tickin' in the next room.

For godzsake - avoid this crazy b***h! She's got nothing but trouble written all over.


Mar 24, 2004
Here's another:
RELAXING MOMENTBring the Island to you878-2848

Black SP is much heftier than she claims on the phone. Unattractive and unpleasant. Works out of house in Southgate area. Won't tell you her rates, what she'll do, or anything until you get undressed and put money on the table. You're better off staying at home.


Indy reviewer
May 15, 2003

Guys - to serve as a reminder...need I say more?
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts