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Stanley Cup Final- what's up with these people??


New member
Aug 29, 2001
North York
In the last couple of days, I've read the comments of 2 sports columnists, one from the Sun and the other from the Star, and both just dread the thought of a San Jose-Tampa Bay Cup final. Not only do they think this would be a calimity of upmost proportions, they also seem to think that most people would agree. And today, a comment was in the Sun from the website from a guy in B.C. who thinks the same. Now what is wrong with this picture? Don't get me wrong, I'm personally hoping the Leafs go all the way, but other than the fact that this possibility excludes a Canadian team, why is this scenario so bad? I, for one, think this would be an exciting final with two excellent teams, #1 in the East vs #2 in the West. Both teams have never been in the final before which adds to the excitement and both have some exciting young players and great goaltending. It certainly would relieve some of the boredom of seeing some of the same teams almost every year like Colorado, Detroit, New Jersey, etc. Why do people have such an aversion to these teams meeting in the Cup final??? Help me understand this, please!!


New member
Aug 26, 2002
Strange, I posted about a SJ / TB final in another thread. There could be several issues.

Hockey players: someone stated that 30 of the 50 regular players were Canadian. Not an issue.

Non-Canadian team: not an issue, US teams have won a majority of the Cups for the past 20 years, lots of good hockey cities in the US.

Warm/temperate climate: this is bizarre, very small percentage of citizens in those cities have ever skated, or seen ice, except in a drink. Sure these cities can support an NHL team, but a dynasty, not in the best interests of the NHL.

Ratings: many American stations want east/west finals (regardless of sport), but would prefer north-east coast (big market) vs non-north-east coast time (different timezone audience). SJ / TB statifies that, to some degree, but not enough.

Legacy: If the Cup went to SJ or TB, we're talking about 50k+ fans at the parade. If Toronto wins, we're talking 2M+ in downtown TO, and 50M+ celebrating worldwide.

I think the sports columnists are taking into account the short/long term benefits if both of these teams were in the final.


New member
Aug 26, 2002
Yeah, I know TB's style will not get them past TO. Just responding to Meee's quandary.

GO Leafs GO.


New member
Aug 29, 2001
North York
First of all, if the NHL thought it not in the best interests of the league if either of these teams were to win the Cup, then neither team should be in the league and second, I can't speak for T.B, but I've been to San Jose. That city is absolutely nuts about their Sharks and if they won it all, the size of the celebration would only be limited by the size of the population! You would be very surprised at how many people would be watching that parade, but I wouldn't be! There'd be a LOT more people than New Jersey brought out. You see, people in the east just can't "see" the hockey fever that's happening in places like San Jose, but believe me, if you were there, you wouldn't find the playoff hockey atmosphere much different than Toronto.


New member
Mar 17, 2003
Maybe you've answered your own question, meee - maybe neither team should be in the league.
TBay's attendance this year was VERY POOR.
Plus, you're not exactly talking huge TV ratings with those two markets.


Nov 1, 2001
ABC would just die if there was a San Jose- Tampa Bay Final, both cities are not big markets, and both teams don't have a large drawing power. The ratings in the US would not be high. I don't think the ratings would be as high as other Stanley Cup Finals in Canada. It's just hard to draw up alot of excitment for a San Jose- Tampa Bay Final just like it was for the Super Bowl with New England and Carolina. That dosn't mean it's not going to be a good match up as was proven with the superbowl. Unfortunatly only the hard core hockey fans will tune in to watch it, and for some reason thats just that way it is.


New member
Mar 17, 2003
Fine. They were 15th in terms of home tickets sold as a percentage of seats available. Actually, it's 17th, once you account for Philadelphia and Edmonton, both of whom outdrew them, as a percentage, at home.

That's the WORST among all the teams still alive.
Who's next?
San Jose, of course.

Both teams had BAD attendance all year, TERRIBLE, considering where they are - no team still alive sold a smaller percentage of their home tickets than these two.

Clear enough?

Again, if it's your intention NOT to be educated by statistics, then don't bother even reading them.

Goober Mcfly

Retired. -ish
Oct 26, 2001
Okay, I get it. By taking one part of a statistics package you can infer that they did poorly, or by extension, well in their attendance.

Just like taking one player of a team you can infer that the entire team ouplayed another.

Yay! Canada is the best country in the world because we have the highest percentage of Canadians!


New member
Mar 17, 2003
I have demonstrative evidence that the Leafs outplayed the Sens. They beat them. What's your evidence to the contrary? Don't bother - you have none.

Now, to what we were talking about, I'd say that Tampa's attendance was poor - this is a qualitative statement. I base my opinion upon the fact that every other team still alive outdrew them. Surely how well a team plays has to factor in to how good you say the attendance is, qualitatively, no? I mean, you don't expect crap teams (except in Toronto) to draw as well as good teams, do you? And you expect fans of teams that are having great years (like TB and SJ) to start showing up in large quantities, no?

The fact that San Jose and Tampa Bay are LAST among all teams still alive, and only in the middle of the pack in the entire league, despite finishing at or near the top in their conferences, speaks to the fact that these teams just don't draw well - or as well as other teams in the league, let's say.

Goober Mcfly

Retired. -ish
Oct 26, 2001
Ranger68 said:
The fact that San Jose and Tampa Bay are LAST among all teams still alive, and only in the middle of the pack in the entire league, despite finishing at or near the top in their conferences, speaks to the fact that these teams just don't draw well.
Fine. But don't say "TBay's attendance this year was VERY POOR." because that is simply not true. Pittsburgh's attendance was VERY POOR.

My opinion is that a warm-climate team like Tampa Bay drawing more than teams like Ottawa, Edmonton, Calgary, Buffalo, Boston and even the defending Stanley Cup Champions New Jersey doesn't warrant a "VERY POOR" rating, capitalized or not.



New member
Mar 17, 2003
2002-2003 - Tampa 16th overall, 21st in terms of percentage
2001-2002 - Tampa 20th overall, 27th in terms of percentage
2000-2001 - Tampa 25th overall, 27th in terms of percentage

This year, when Tampa led the LEAGUE in points?
12th overall, 17th in terms of percentage

You know what? I take it back. Tampa Bay's attendance wasn't "very poor" this year. But it was NOWHERE NEAR where it should be, considering how well they played.

Tampa Bay's attendance, year to year, is among the worst in hockey. It's getting better. It's still bad. REAL bad.

And they didn't outdraw Calgary or Ottawa by percentage of tickets sold. If those places had arenas the size of TBay's, they'd badly outsell them. Just my opinion, but the percentage bears me out.


Fine. Tampa Bay is one of the most hockey friendly places on earth. And the sky is pink. Happy?


New member
Mar 17, 2003
Yeah, but the Leafs still outplayed the Sens.


New member
Mar 17, 2003
I don't want to know what you're swinging at me with.

Can I guess? .... Is it a game-used Daniel Alfredsson autographed stick now going cheap?


New member
Mar 17, 2003
*Ranger lays face down, rolling feebly, grasping his head - glancing furtively at the ref*

beaver cleaner

New member
Jun 26, 2003
While there is no question that it would be exciting hockey if TB plays SJ. The TV draw would be awful. In the end this is what harms all of professional sports. If it is not a big market team, it impacts the leaguewide revenue, so we let the big market teams bully their way into having the stronger rosters. This makes it nearly impossible to ever havin a level playing field.


New member
Mar 17, 2003
*gets up quietly, looks around, and skates away*
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