I would pass on this one. She has hits of an SP all over the States:
Columbus, Oklahoma, Indianapolis, Pittsburgh, Dallas, Nashville, Milwaukee, Green Bay, it goes on and on. http://webcache.googleusercontent.c...-new-pics/40063013+&cd=15&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=ca
Can't say she's fake since I haven't gone to her door but I put the odds at "slim to none" that she's real IMO.
You can, just not as effective as with a PC. Try it with Google Chrome and use Google Image Reverse Search. Some may recommend other Search types, this is just what I use.
I would pass on this one. She has hits of an SP all over the States:
Columbus, Oklahoma, Indianapolis, Pittsburgh, Dallas, Nashville, Milwaukee, Green Bay, it goes on and on. http://webcache.googleusercontent.c...-new-pics/40063013+&cd=15&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=ca
Can't say she's fake since I haven't gone to her door but I put the odds at "slim to none" that she's real IMO.