Dream Spa

Speaking of Scams...

Vancouver Femme Fatale

Multihour Specialist
Apr 25, 2005
Remember the $120,000 for twelve months guy I had a run-in with? Turns out he's a serious fraudster;

Abstract: June 30, 2001. A 61-year-old woman is suing Mr. X to recover CDN $876,451 that was allegedly defrauded from her trading account, leaving her destitute.The complainant claims that Mr. X, who is described in court filings as a former school janitor, wiped out her entire account.


Abstract: May 25, 2003. Notwithstanding the fact that he weighs approximately 500 pounds, janitor-turned-offshore promoter Mr. X has achieved the difficult task of disappearing – leaving behind a mountain of debts. Mr X, a Canadian national, abandoned his weight-loss business...

What kind of person would do something like bilk a woman four years from retirement out of her entire life savings? Or leave working people in the lurch by abandoning a business? A sociopath, that's who. No conscience whatsoever! Good thing I didn't agree to his 'meet me in a shack in the woods' plan.

Why is this on my mind? I believe he has my home phone number. I received 3 very strange calls back-to-back early the other morning, and recognized his voice. He refused to identify himself. But I'm 90% positive that's who it was. :mad:

What a maroon!


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
I hear about old timers always getting defrauded out of their money. It is almost weekly you here stuff like this in the news...

I have some questions though:
1) if the lady had $876,000.00, what's she doing gambling with it by having the whole amount in one trading account? Hell, she could put $200,000.00 into bonds and other annuities and still come out with a good ROI and not risk a damn thing.

2) Also, how the hell did a janitor get access to her account?

There was one recently here in toronto where the woman had something like $350,000.00 in cash at her apartment and someone found out about it and stole it. WTF is she doing with that kind of cash on hand?

There was another one where a guy lost a brown paper lunch bag....containing $20,000.00 in cash....supposedly he was going to put a down payment on a house and boo hoo hoo he lost it.

Well some good samaritan found it and turned it in. The guy gave a reward but WTF was he thinking? Who in their right mind makes a deposit in CASH? What the hell's wrong with a certified cheque? (unless of course the money was undeclared income....)


Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
Thats the rub, hard to spend large amounts of that undeclared income if its cash at your house. Due to new money laundering guidelines more and more higher dollar cash transactions are reportable.

Vancouver Femme Fatale

Multihour Specialist
Apr 25, 2005
What did he say??
It's a very looooong story that I don't want to go into again, but he knows my real name because he couriered me a package previously; so he kept asking if I was so-and-so, but refused to tell me who he was.


New member
Apr 9, 2006
Wilds of the GTA

Vancouver Femme Fatale said:
It's a very looooong story that I don't want to go into again, but he knows my real name because he couriered me a package previously; so he kept asking if I was so-and-so, but refused to tell me who he was.
Too bad we cant just send the bad guys to aliens for anal probing!


New member
Aug 26, 2001

Sad stories to be sure, however Canadian Banks have been scamming people for years with their Service Fees, why don't we, the public, do something about that...why????,, because we trust the Banks, hence the morale of the story, trust turns to thieft.


New member
Aug 22, 2001
Downtown Toronto
<"Abstract: May 25, 2003. Notwithstanding the fact that he weighs approximately 500 pounds, janitor-turned-offshore promoter Mr. X has achieved the difficult task of disappearing – leaving behind a mountain of debts. Mr X, a Canadian national, abandoned his weight-loss business...">

OMG... too funny. Everyone in my office just turned to look at me why I'm laughing so much. <LOL>
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