Spanish FA President Found a Kissable Women's Soccer Player!

Dutch Oven

Well-known member
Feb 12, 2019

Here is the player he kissed:

Admittedly, the pickings at the Women's World Cup were extremely slim, and it would be a 50/50 proposition whether you could even find a player at the tournament who isn't gay (Hormosa herself is rumoured to be in a relationship with another woman player), I tend to believe that Rubiales kiss was more about celebrating the World Cup and less about finding this woman irresistible.

But heads have to roll, and so Rubiales is currently suspended!

I may not be an expert on Spanish culture, but I think I understand a couple of things about kissing:

1. Kissing isn't always about sex. A lot of the time it's a way of expressing grattitude. Don't believe me? Watch any episode of Holmes on Homes and watch how the ladies thank Mike for fixing up their house.

2. EVERYONE has been kissed by someone who they didn't want a kiss from, be it their Aunt, their Mom or their dog. It is not a life changing event, in isolation. Most people just say that they didn't want it, don't want any more, and get on with life.

3. Every culture has different conventions about kissing. In North American, men don't kiss men (unless they are gay). In Europe, happens all the time. Kissing on the lips is not the big deal elsewhere in the world that it is in North America.

4. Unique circumstances beget unique etiquette. Remember Gord Downey kissing his bandmates on the lips on stage during his farewell tour? Downey was not gay. I don't think his bandmates would have welcomed it in ordinary circumstances, but who was going to deny Downey this expression of affection in his final days?

I think the Spanish FA needs to get a grip, allow Rubiales to apologize for his over exuberance and move on. What say you?


Bitter House****
Apr 27, 2006
Nothing better to do, huh?

No minutiae too infinitesimally electron microscopically teeny-weenie to somehow NOT worm it's way under your thin skin, I see.

And once again, in the wrong forum.

Dutch Oven

Well-known member
Feb 12, 2019
Nothing better to do, huh?

No minutiae too infinitesimally electron microscopically teeny-weenie to somehow NOT worm it's way under your thin skin, I see.

And once again, in the wrong forum.
This is a "culture war/social justice" issue. Such issues are commonly discussed in the politics forum. A recent example is the thread about conservative commentators taking the Barbie Movie to task.

At least my post was about SOMETHING, which is more than I can say for yours (oh, the irony of taking the time to write "nothing better to do with your time")! LOL! You're slipping. Usually your posts have both more style and more substance.


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
I think the Spanish FA needs to get a grip, allow Rubiales to apologize for his over exuberance and move on. What say you?
I'd say that this person is being deliberately obtuse or deceptive by trying to portray this as about one kiss and not a long-standing culture issue.
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