SP Marketing 101 (a johns perspective)

a 1 player

Smells like manly roses.
Feb 24, 2004
on your girlfriend
So, here I go again, playing with fire, walking into the lion's den, and possibly speaking about a topic I don't know too much about, except from the point of a potential client. Regardless, I now offer my basic 'marketing class', for those SP's who might be having a challenge gaining clients.

In lesson #1, I will talk about 'What makes me decide to see you over your competition'. This lesson includes information for both 'Indies', and 'Agency women'.

Part #1 (You)

The first question you should ask yourselves is "Why should I (the client) see you, instead of another of the hundreds of escorts in the GTA?'

As simple as the question sounds, the answer is really a complex one. Firstly, one must understand and accept that different men have different tastes in women, and no one woman can appeal to all men, no matter how hard they might try. There are however certain things that one can do to make themselves more marketable.

a) Have a quality set of pictures available. Sounds easy right? Not necessarily. To me, a good set of pictures shows me exactly who I will be meeting (excluding the face). I do not think that nudity is required, but the client must be able to see enough of the body to know if it is the type of physique that he wishes to see. If one takes a half hour and browses through Craigslist, it will be found that most of the pictures are done in entirely the wrong way. Do not use a fuzzy polaroid, a huge shot of nothing but ass, wear a sweater where nothing is revealed, or be Photoshopped to the point where you look like a Playboy centerfold. These pictures tell us nothing of who we are meeting, and chances are that we will move on to the next lady.

Have more than one picture available. A few sexy, seductive poses will do wonders. Men are after all visual creatures. There is a reason we check out womens boobs, legs, and asses. We want to see them. We want to touch them. We want them to be ours for a few hours.

I can not stress enough the value of a good photographer. Think of it as an investment, not an expense. I have no data available, but I would think that more bookings are made (or lost) by the photographs than any other single thing.

b) Have a good website. By a good website, I do not necessarily mean an expensive one. A quality website is one that is easy to navigate, has contact information, rates, and pictures easily available. We do not give a flying fuck about Java or Flash and all that other shit that slows down our browsing experience. We want the information, and we want it NOW. If I can't find it in the first 5 seconds of arriving to your site, you have lost the sale. And for the love of all that is holy, DO NOT HAVE MUSIC ON YOUR SITE! Chances are a) we will hate the song, b) it will surprise the fuck out of us in the middle of the night and possibly wake our wives or girlfriends from their beauty sleep. I can say this with all certainty, if it is YOUR site that gets us busted, you have lost a client for life.

c) Do not misrepresent yourself. I think this one is quite self-explanatory. Do not try to pass yourself off as a spinner if you are a BBW. Do not state you are 20 years old when you are coming close to 40. There is a market for ALL SP's, but we want to know who we are meeting prior to arranging the appointment. Okay, I can understand a couple of years for safety and security sake, even to pass off a fantasy, but please be reasonable and as close to honest as possible.

d) It is about us. You charge as much as a lawyer or doctor, and many of us have to work an entire day just to spend just an hour with you. Do not ever forget this. Most of us have to budget for this hobby, and it can take a while to save up the money to see you. Yes, hobbyists might have a higher disposable income than most, but I can assure you that the money does not grow on a tree, and we work bloody hard for it. I am not saying that we want a sex slave, that is the farthest thing from the truth. Fact of the matter is that we want an enthusiastic, active partner who provides service (of some sort or another) for the full duration of the session. If my lawyer worked for 40 minutes and charged me for the full hour, I would seek another lawyer. If a client is finished his sexual activity after 40 minutes, that does not mean you are off the hook. It might be as simple as cuddling, a back massage, offering a glass of water and some conversation. Just getting dressed, packing up and leaving is seriously uncool. I will say it again, just to make sure it sinks in. For $200+ an hour, the session is about US.

e) Be cool. Like all people, every SP has a different personality, this is a good thing. Here on TERB, many of us clients base our final decision on who to see from how one interacts with others. Like it or not, we form opinions of who you are based on your posts, in exactly the same manner that you form opinions of us. Some people like the intelligent Sp's, some like the playful ones, some like the ones who just ooze sensuality. Most will avoid the ones who cause drama. Disagreeing during a discussion and having a difference of opinion is one thing, throwing insults is a whole different ball game. We want happy, and fun, we pass on negativity. One good way to think of it is he way in which one views their friends. It is the good times spent together that makes a person your friend, they would not be your friend if they were constantly a downer. Make no mistake here, I understand that this is a business transaction, but we need the perception that our money will be spent on a good time, not a bad one.

Therein lies lesson number one. I hope you have enjoyed it, and come back soon for lesson number two.
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New member
Mar 18, 2009
I agree with everything you have said. Ladies, consider this free consumer research!


New member
Mar 7, 2004
good post

My views are very similar and here is a summary:

The main element is a woman's beauty. This is 80% of the client/escort relationship. (I think it is also true in all sexual relationships, but I will leave that for another post.) If an escort is very pretty, then she will be booked solid.

You need good photographs. Topless photos will work wonders. A picture of your ass in a bikini will also help a lot. (I predict that the Office photos will change over time to reflect this desire by the clients.)

When you meet, men want to believe that you genuinely want to have sex with them. If you can play into that fantasy, you will go far.

Old Milwaukee

New member
Aug 8, 2009
a 1 player,

Some sound advice there. i've been in advertising for close to 20 years myself.

Know your audience and potential client base, don't ever be a "jack-of-all-trades" and always remember, you've got about 2 to 5 seconds to capture your audiences attention, do NOT confuse them. Being different is crucial, what sets you apart from the others?

All SP's should read his post,



New member
Sep 6, 2006
Good points. And don't forget to include your menu. The more items on it the more you will be booked. If I don't know what to expect in terms of service I won't book. This is especially true if you aren't reviewed.


Dec 9, 2008
Excellent points all.

Menu is good to know. I won't book until I know what to expect.

On beauty, I don't go for the prettiest girl. I go fo the girl that strikes my fancy at the time. It could be skinny, thick, large breasts, small breasts etc. I have even gone for a girl that I knew was not very good looking because of other elements I wanted.


Supporting Member
Aug 17, 2001
west end
Good post.

I tell the girls, We want a happy girl, if we wanted a pissed off girl we would stay home.

"d) It is about us." This requires a total turn around in thinking for some.


New member
Sep 3, 2005
Excellent post!

I agree that a menu is VERY IMPORTANT!

Don't bullshit us on anything. If u are overweight say so lots of guys love that. If u are mature say so cause I love that!
Be clear on what u are willing to do and be more clear on what u are not willing to do.
Pics must be real, current and revealing!
And most important of (and already well put)
We are paying for your time. So that means the following,
1. Do not answer your fuccin' phone during my time.
2. Don't smoke on my time unless u are with a smoker.
3. Stay for the entire time that was paid for unless the client is ok with u leaving.
Thanks ladies keep up the good work!

Captain Fantastic

Jun 28, 2008
Amen. Good points all. All agencies and indys should take note.

Question: Is this an add-on thread or should we just wait for more of player's awesome advice and musings?


New member
Jan 19, 2006
An excellent post A 1 player, in particular point "d":
a 1 player said:
"You charge as much as a lawyer or doctor, and many of us have to work an entire day just to spend just an hour with you. Do not ever forget this. Most of us have to budget for this hobby, and it can take a while to save up the money to see you. Yes, hobbyists might have a higher disposable income than most, but I can assure you that the money does not grow on a tree, and we work bloody hard for it. I am not saying that we want a sex slave, that is the farthest thing from the truth. Fact of the matter is that we want an enthusiastic, active partner who provides service (of some sort or another) for the full duration of the session. If my lawyer worked for 40 minutes and charged me for the full hour, I would seek another lawyer. (not only that you would file a complaint with the Bar Association!) If a client is finished his sexual activity after 40 minutes, that does not mean you are off the hook. It might be as simple as cuddling, a back massage, offering a glass of water and some conversation. Just getting dressed, packing up and leaving is seriously uncool. I will say it again, just to make sure it sinks in. For $200+ an hour, the session is about US."
Unfortunately, there have been several times when I've had an SP decide that 'you've had your shot, I'm done now' or who tries to pull the 'I didn't agree to that,' when I have an entire back and forth e-mail correspondence where she most explicitly said that was acceptable. The latter seems to be more true of the greater than vanilla SPs.


New member
Aug 1, 2009
wouldn't you like to know..
Very informative & helpful. Being new to the industry & leading the "double life" so to speak doesn't really give many options on people to go to for advice. Your post is really helpful.. Notes taken.
You should offer a class, lol. :)


Jul 3, 2009
Mkyla said:
Very informative & helpful. Being new to the industry & leading the "double life" so to speak doesn't really give many options on people to go to for advice. Your post is really helpful.. Notes taken.
You should offer a class, lol. :)
Welcome to the business, the double life does get stressful sometimes either you come out and be honest , or you manage to not let the double life get to you.

I wish you great success. I also do suggest people getting the books.

The Internet Escort's handbook by Amanda Brooks and also In Good Company "A Escort's Guide" by Kay Good. There is many others out there but I find these books to be very thought provoking and showed the truth of this industry.

If find more in my search of creating my escort support website I will post them
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