SP Climaxing


New member
Jan 25, 2004
Hey for all SP's>

how often do you climax with customers while working? <i know it varies with each sp>

1) Do you only climax for those special clients you have chemistry or

2) you make it a rule not to climax or

3) you try to enjoy it with every client?



It's been good to know ya
A combination of 1) and 3)

I am human it is sex and sex should be enjoyed and I always do my best to enjoy it. I always say there is no shame in sex.

Morgan Ellis

Bitchy McBitcherson
I don't think there's any way of rating this, really, since so many different factors come in to play.

What kind of mood am I in? What time of the month is it? Like most women, I have a one week window where just looking at my clit is almost enough to make me break the headboard in half... And then a few days where I'm more likely to grow wings than I am to orgasm. Mother nature is a cruel fucking bitch, trust me...

There's also the matter of the well meaning guy who just has no clue what he's doing. Now, if he's willing to listen and take direction, that can be solved fairly simply, but some stubborn bastards are stuck in a press button 'a', tweak buttons 'b' and 'c', insert, remove, repeat rut. That's fine - but if that's your groove, don't sulk if we politely answer 'no' when you ask us if you made us come.

As well, 'enjoying' ourselves and climaxing are often two different things. A session can be enjoyable even if the magic button didn't get pushed, and there have been guys who've made me come that I still hope never darken my doorway again.

That said... ideally I always want to come (and the more the merrier!), because I'm a greedy fucking bitch, and have always assumed that you guys are there to amuse me for an hour or so ;)



New member
Jan 26, 2005
luv4lust said:
i always do i guess i'm just lucky or the fact that i'm not a good actor lol
besides whats the use of having sex if you don't cum?
Congratulations to being multi-orgasmic!!! Please make sure your moaning and screaming do not take up too much server space. LOL!!! :cool:


The Queen of BBBJ
Aug 16, 2003
Scenicdrive said:
Congratulations to being multi-orgasmic!!! Please make sure your moaning and screaming do not take up too much server space. LOL!!!
well it's easy when you limit your self to one client a day but yes moist times i cum more than once ;)


Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
Now everyone just hang on a second here, are you trying to tell me that women can have orgasms to?:eek:

Quickly runs and hides.


New member
Aug 17, 2006
Hmmm I must be seeing the wrong sps. Maybe too young and inexperienced or something. I always thought they saved the "real" sex for their bfs.Believe me I have tried to give them the big "O" but maybe only resulted in actual nectar 2 times in 20....


PI: Privates Investigator
Feb 1, 2004
Living large on the harbour.
All the SPs I've been with (ok, not that many yet) have 'cum' during the session. But I just assume it's part of the show, and not the real thing. I'd like it to be the real thing -- nothing is hotter than experiencing a woman's orgasm -- but I try to be realistic about it.

And after a couple of comments from clients.... we need more responses from the ladies, as the OP requested! ;)



resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Well, there are certain clues you can look for to determine if she's faking it or not. I do realize that with many, it's part of what you're paying for (to have her cum like you're the greatest lover ever) but I have found that often a sure fire clue is the puddle in the middle of the bed or the fact that umm errr she continues to "drip" after the big event...to me, that's the greatest compliment a guy could receive.....

I will tell you thought that it took quite a bit for me to forego the thought that she should cum with me and just enjoy myself. I always prided myself on making sure my partners had as good a time as I did. I used to be too concerned with getting them off at the same time as I did.


Wanting more!!
Sep 7, 2001
Your place!!
erasus said:
Actually according to this article, I've had a few of the regular Ladies I've seen exhibit some of these symptoms of the Big O. A good sign you're doing something right is when you are doing what they are asking you to do and things start shaking. So I guess I have hit the spot so to speak with some anyway, "OR" they are very good actors.
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