Sorry but i need to vent, as the name suggests.....


New member
May 29, 2003
I am an SP, though i am using this nickname, since I do not want to use my real one, for a few reasons. I do not want people to think this thread is about self promotion, or pity. I just need to vent, and this is the only place I know of where people will understand me.

I was going to post this last night, after it happened, but the moderators were still activating this account, and I was unable to post to the forums.

A few days ago, I got a call from someone who wanted to book an appointment for Wednesday. We spoke for a bit, and then I asked him to please give me a call on wednesday, during the day, to confirm the appointment for the evening. He agreed. When I did not hear from him during the day, I figured he was a no-show. He phoned me later in the evening, 30 minutes before the appointment, asking me if I was on my way. I informed him politely that I had asked him to call during the day to confirm and he had not, so I figured he was not going to phone. He got really angry with me, told me that I was wrong, that I never informed him that he needed to call during the day. I am sure I did, but i figured perhaps there was a miss-communication. He yelled at me, telling me "What kind of buisness are you running" telling me, "I am just like his girlfriend" and promptly telling me I need to compensate for this. I was silent, since I did not feel comfortable in going to see him after he was yelling at me on the phone. He started laughing and yelling again about how this is no way to run a buisness. I politely excused myself from the phone and hung up.

Right now i feel like shit. I am a pretty soft spoken woman, and do not like to be yelled at, for something that was obviously not my fault, and if anything, it was a simple miss-communication, that could have been resolved by other means, rather then yelling.

Sorry, just needed to vent, thanks for listening.
(ps: this guy is not a member of terb, to my knowledge)


New member
Aug 19, 2001
Silicon Valley, USA
Need to Vent,

Do you advertise online or have a website? If you have a website, I would suggest that you include the appointment confirmation procedure on that site. I know..most guys don't read it, and even those who do, seldom follow it. But it will absolve you somewhat from this type of misunderstanding.

I can't really say who is at fault here. But on a first meeting with any lady, I can't imagine looking forward to an appointment and not calling the day of that appointment just if for no other reason to confirm that "I am here and dead serious about seeing you". His anger is misdirected. You did nothing seriously wrong here if indeed you did anything wrong at all. Simply a miscommunication or misunderstanding. If the man was cool, he'd have realized that. Instead he seems hell bent on putting it all off on you. Questions to ask yourself: Did he leave a callback number? Did he give directions to his place? From the sound of the conversation you related, it would seem that might be the case. Failing to hear from him, if you had a call back number, and if he indicated it would be fine to call him back, you could have done that. If the client didn't indicate it was okay to leave a message or callback, then clearly it was on him to make sure that he took the initiative.

Be proactive to avoid these misunderstandings in the future. Demand a callback number and get the clients permission to use that number to confirm the appointment. That way you clearly put the onus on him for a followup.



New member
Oct 11, 2002
in your pants
NeedToVent said:
"I am just like his girlfriend"
Sounds like he got a "Girl Friend Experience"...

NTV; don't sweat it. He was probably having a bad day and needed to vent it on someone and you were it. IMO I have found that most men don't like to be proven wrong even when they are.

I wish you luck,



New member
Apr 8, 2003
no need to feel badly. his reaction was out of proportion to the situation it seems.

there are a number of sp's who are very hard to get in touch with, for example, when no one answers and the mail box is full. I have experienced this a couple of times, but have not reacted as this fellow did. I just resolved not to try her again.

This situation usually happens with indy's as they don't have the support of an agency. I don't know if you're with an agency or independent, but thought I would mention this to express a frustration I have felt.

I agree with with EBS when he suggests that you might review how you communicate in order to avoid problems like this in the future. In the meantime, be kind to yourself. All the best.


New member
Aug 22, 2001
Downtown Toronto
U should tell him to FO and hang up...

AnonSP said:
Sounds like he got a "Girl Friend Experience"...
LMAO ... that's a good one Anon.

Really though I mean it... should have just told him to FO and then hang up.


New member
Feb 12, 2003
If the guy is this volatile over an honest misunderstanding, maybe you don't want him as a client. Imagine whay might happen in the middle of a session if you wouldn't provide something that he wanted.

In any business, some customers simply aren't worth the hassle.

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