Someone tell the pope the shut up


Active member
Jul 7, 2004

When Micheal Moore tried to throw his support to the Federal Liberals he was threatened with election tampering by the Federal Conservatives. Apparently it's illegal in most democracies for foreign citizens to try and tamper with democratic process.

So pray tell, where are the conservatives on this one?

The Pope gives the guilt trip to all canadians over their "loose morals" and sets his army of bishops loose on our MP's in an attempt to reign in the loose sheep. I mean I understand this was a country that was founded on Christian values, but I'd like to think that Canada has progressed beyond that ancient belief that a single religion can rule in a democracy. Am I alone in hating the pope? Is he not one of the most under rated hypocrites in the world? How can a man who stands for compassion and love secretly plan the removal of womens rights and plan the burning of gays?It doesn't seem like the Vatican has progressed much since the days when they'd excommunicate whole countries for supposed abuses to the bible.

If I remember my tax laws correctly, the tax free status of any chairity (church included) is dependant on them having no political opinion. I was told by my accounting friends that it was a measure to insure the proper separation of church and state. So if these bishops are trying to influence politics in Canada does that mean we can tax them too? That'd be great considering we might be able to fix health care and the military in one fiscal year.


Active member
Jan 7, 2002
"Tampering" (which implies an element of fraud) with an election is illegal. No one suggested that Mr. Moore was tampering with the last Canadian election.

Foreign nationals are free to comment on any aspect of Canadian politics. There's no law against that.

Registered charities can have their charitable status revoked if they engage in political activism. This is not a church/state issue, as it applies to any registered charity. If the Canadian Institute for the Blind engages in political activism, its charitable status can be revoked.
Mar 19, 2006
1hornychinaman said:
So if these bishops are trying to influence politics in Canada does that mean we can tax them too? That'd be great considering we might be able to fix health care and the military in one fiscal year.
The Catholic church does'nt have as much money as it used to..........too many alterboys with their hair parted in the middle are talking.........but I like your thinking........bless you my son


New member
Jul 14, 2004
My brother used to skip down the streets of Scotland 40 years ago singing, "Hail, Hail, the Pope's in jail." Maybe he should warm up his vocal chords again. ;)


Active member
Aug 23, 2001
1hornychinaman said:

When Micheal Moore tried to throw his support to the Federal Liberals he was threatened with election tampering by the Federal Conservatives. Apparently it's illegal in most democracies for foreign citizens to try and tamper with democratic process.

So pray tell, where are the conservatives on this one?
The difference is that Moore explicitly told Canadians in an open letter to vote for a specific candidate/party (liberal).

The Pope is not telling people to vote for (or not for) an/a specific party or person. He is just regurgitating what Popes have always said and believed.

1hornychinaman said:
The Pope gives the guilt trip to all canadians over their "loose morals" and sets his army of bishops loose on our MP's in an attempt to reign in the loose sheep. I mean I understand this was a country that was founded on Christian values, but I'd like to think that Canada has progressed beyond that ancient belief that a single religion can rule in a democracy. Am I alone in hating the pope? Is he not one of the most under rated hypocrites in the world? How can a man who stands for compassion and love secretly plan the removal of womens rights and plan the burning of gays?It doesn't seem like the Vatican has progressed much since the days when they'd excommunicate whole countries for supposed abuses to the bible.
Why stop with just hating the Pope? Don't forget most of the world's bishops and cardinals. Let's not just single out Christianity. How about hating those holy Muslim clerics? Or Hindus priests? And so on?


Active member
Jan 7, 2002
Don said:
The difference is that Moore explicitly told Canadians in an open letter to vote for a specific candidate/party (liberal).
Which of course was his right to do. I seem to recall in November 2004 non-USA citizens the world over writing open letters to Americans (and some even directing their letters to individual USA voters) advising them on which candidate should be elected. I don't recall many Canadians suggesting that Canadian newspapers would out of line for publishing anti-Bush letters and editorials.


Well-known member
Dec 7, 2001
he is a leader of a state and has the right to comment on Canadian affairs, just like everybody and their cousin's gardener has the right to put in their 2 cents about how the US should conduct its affairs


Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
Amajor difference is that anyone can say anything they want about the parties during a Canadaian election if they are doing it on their home turf. The thing with that little piece of s**t known as michael moore is that he was doing it while in Canada. That is the no-no for a foriegn citizen.
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