Someone on P E R B is in the doghouse

Morgan Ellis

Bitchy McBitcherson
Happens more often than most guys would like to think - almost every SP I know has had one (or more - lots more!) of these phone calls.

The most common one is the innocent sounding 'what's this number?' caller - a female asking what 'kind' of number this is, because she found it in her husband's cell phone on his call list, or on a piece of paper in his pocket, or, or, or. Of course, there are also the savvier women who google the phone number and know exactly what 'kind' of number it is, and who exactly it belongs to. Then you get either the irate screamer, the pitiable sobber, or the intensely curious caller.

Either way, all SPs that I know will bend over backwards to try to cover your asses, gentlemen. After all, it's in our best interest - we don't want your SO stalking us, or naming us in a divorce suit, and we honsetly don't want to get you in trouble. But some of you guys need to learn to cover your tracks better, because there's only so much we can do if your SO catches on.

Clear your call logs off of your cell phone. This is the #1 way that I know of for men to get caught. Ditch detailed billing (bills that track every incoming/outgoing call), or else buy a pay as a you go cell. Ditto voice mails - clear them, don't save them.

Use an anonymous email account, and change your password on a regular basis. The best ones can be set to automatically log you out after a certain amount of tiime.

Log off of boards when you leave - clear those cookies! It's not the dark ages - even computer illiterate women know to check your browser's history. Clear it all, every time.

Don't keep incriminating pieces of paper hanging around in your pockets, especially if you also expect your SO to wash your pants.

Have a cover story for when you slip away to see us, and for God's sake - accept that shower before leaving to go home! A suspicious woman has a nose like a bloodhound, and can detect the smell of perfume and the look of a trace of glitter from a 1/4 mile away. It's five minutes, wash yourself off.

Most of this is just common sense, but I'm sure others can add more...



Active member
Aug 16, 2003
Excellent post Morgan! This one should be put up as one of those "sticky's".

Goober Mcfly

Retired. -ish
Oct 26, 2001
zydeco said:
Excellent post Morgan! This one should be put up as one of those "sticky's".
Yeah! I'm going to print this thread out and paste it next to my monitor.


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
bound&gagged said:
I got one of those calls recently. When she found out what we were, the woman said she was gonna give her husband one helluva beating for free by herself when he got home. lol
so a happy ending for everyone


Aug 17, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place
An uneviable call to get I agree. But I say tell her nothing. She phones you ask her who she is and what she wants. tell her you dont talk to blocked numbers and you have no idea who her husband is. She's smart enough to find her husbands tracks. she should be smart enough to know she needs to talk to him not you. Maybe he left easy tracks on purpose so they could have a little something to chat about before the breakup.


New member
Feb 10, 2005
Talk to your wives.
Women appreciate honesty, guys should simply be upfront with the fact they see escorts from time to time because they aren't getting enough at home or they just like variety. Begin a dialogue with her to find out why she let herself go.
It's much simpler for everyone. :rolleyes:


New member
Nov 18, 2001
Svend said:
Talk to your wives.
Women appreciate honesty, guys should simply be upfront with the fact they see escorts from time to time because they aren't getting enough at home or they just like variety. Begin a dialogue with her to find out why she let herself go.
It's much simpler for everyone. :rolleyes:

Great idea....but pack first!


I should be banned.
Sep 3, 2005
Svend said:
Talk to your wives.
Women appreciate honesty, guys should simply be upfront with the fact they see escorts from time to time because they aren't getting enough at home or they just like variety. Begin a dialogue with her to find out why she let herself go.
It's much simpler for everyone. :rolleyes:
Svend must be a divorce lawyer


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
Svend said:
Talk to your wives.
Women appreciate honesty, guys should simply be upfront with the fact they see escorts from time to time because they aren't getting enough at home or they just like variety. Begin a dialogue with her to find out why she let herself go.
It's much simpler for everyone. :rolleyes:
Umm yea try this first: Hon, remember when you were a high school chherleader? You were one hell of a flyer back then. But face it my sweet you are now a base and never a flyer again.
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