Somebody Has Certainly Changed Her Tune


Active member
Sep 13, 2005
Agreed but the same could be said about "very open minded". Is she implying FS, Russian, BJ, etc. because she's gonna get those requests as well. She should not even hint at anything else and just deal with individuals on a one to one basis. She's now opened up a whole new can of worms for herself (and others if you're into that sort of thing) and is going down a dangerous road. Some sicko is going to see this and perhaps expect a golden shower from her or something.


Indy reviewer
May 15, 2003
I don't think she is offering anything she doesn't want to offer - In other words, I agree the ad is confusing. If I were to guess, I'd say the Ad is just trying to generate curiosity & calls (which is just what it is supposed to do). Just not enough info-meat for me to be remotely interested.

From past experience, Carol-Anne is about as aloof & restrictive as you can get, so this Ad doesn't surprise me. I would say you have to expect the same service level with her regardless of what her Ads say.

So, just what is she saying? Get a deep tissue massage, fetished, shaved & then spanked. What the hell is that??

If anyone can experience her so-called "new image" & figure it out please share & let us all know.

Good luck.
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