Gun problem in the USA??? Naw, not according to the NRA!
Just a heads up in case you're planning a trip to The City....
Some NY cab drivers to wear bulletproof vests
Reuters - Wed Apr 20, 8:26 am ET
NEW YORK (Reuters Life!) – New York City livery cab drivers, often called to crime-ridden neighborhoods that yellow taxis tend to ignore, are being armed with bulletproof vests, an advocacy group said on Tuesday.
Citing some deadly attacks on the drivers the New York State Federation of Taxi Drivers distributed the vests on Monday and drivers started using them immediately.
Priority was given to drivers working the night shift in areas where statistics showed high incidence of attacks -- chiefly in outlying parts of boroughs outside Manhattan.
Just a heads up in case you're planning a trip to The City....
Some NY cab drivers to wear bulletproof vests
Reuters - Wed Apr 20, 8:26 am ET
NEW YORK (Reuters Life!) – New York City livery cab drivers, often called to crime-ridden neighborhoods that yellow taxis tend to ignore, are being armed with bulletproof vests, an advocacy group said on Tuesday.
Citing some deadly attacks on the drivers the New York State Federation of Taxi Drivers distributed the vests on Monday and drivers started using them immediately.
Priority was given to drivers working the night shift in areas where statistics showed high incidence of attacks -- chiefly in outlying parts of boroughs outside Manhattan.