The Baron
Just some things that crossed my mind whils stuck in treffic today during WYD
All these young catholic girls running around and not one short kilt.
I under stand they have potto confessions just porto potties, what they should have done in put the priests next to the potties that way they they could kill 2 birds with one stone and the priests could figer out what shit they were saying hail mary for.
I wonder if the pope understood a thing our prime minister was saying and did he give a god damn
I wondered how many of the kids at union station took the condoms they were handing out and used them.
Do nuns have any bad habbits ( sorry could resist)
And do priests ever get into the habbit. Ya Ya that was bad
Anyway if anyone else has any other musings on this subject of great importance feel free to jump in
All these young catholic girls running around and not one short kilt.
I under stand they have potto confessions just porto potties, what they should have done in put the priests next to the potties that way they they could kill 2 birds with one stone and the priests could figer out what shit they were saying hail mary for.
I wonder if the pope understood a thing our prime minister was saying and did he give a god damn
I wondered how many of the kids at union station took the condoms they were handing out and used them.
Do nuns have any bad habbits ( sorry could resist)
And do priests ever get into the habbit. Ya Ya that was bad
Anyway if anyone else has any other musings on this subject of great importance feel free to jump in