Whether you stand 6 feet apart or 60 feet apart there is no difference according to MIT.
Social distancing does not work indoors.
So wearing a mask is nothing more than pointless as you can not keep it on all the time.
Airborne transmission arises through the inhalation of aerosol droplets exhaled by an infected person and is now thought to be the primary transmission route of COVID-19. By assuming that the respiratory droplets are mixed uniformly through an indoor space, we derive a simple safety guideline...
You might want to read the article again. You didn't understand it the first time around.
The current revival of the American economy is being predicated on social distancing, specifically the Six-Foot Rule,
a guideline that offers little protection from pathogen-bearing aerosol droplets sufficiently small to be continuously mixed through an indoor space.
So they are not referring to the droplets that are sufficiently big to not be mixed through an air space for which the 6 foot rule does apply.
Classic TJ et al, posting shit they either have not read closely or at all. I find the anti vaccines on facebook I know do the same thing all the time. They will share stuff that actually supports vaccines [or oppose their views on other areas] One guy posted a bunch of links on terb and all the government ones said the opposite of what he claimed.
There really should be a rule about this but it would be a huge PITA factor to enforce... almost as much of a PITA as people who post shit that doesn't support their position.
It's a bit like saying duck and cover doesn't work, because at ground 0 you will be dead anyway and even if you survive the mutant zombie bikers will kill you. However further out from ground 0 is can prevent you from being hurt, or hurt more and in more limited nuke situations [terrorism, NK] the MZB thing isn't really a worry.