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snow car


New member
Nov 22, 2017
A playful yet hard-working resident in the north of Montreal decided on a winter project designed to confuse ticket-wielding parking enforcement officers of the city, and it seemed to have worked.

he car is a remarkable rendition of a Delorean DMC-12 or some other sleek sports coupe, complete with what appears to be a real windshield wiper under which a parking ticket would normally go. The photos show not just one, but eventually two police cars investigating this “ghost parker,” and the officers may have initially thought it was a real car covered in snow. Unfortunately, there are no photos of a tow truck trying to take the car away, but the officers did leave Laprise a ticket – not for a fine, but with a note that read “You made our night hahahahaha "


Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
Some city workers were annoyed ( the truth is they are always annoyed ) they waited around to get the tow truck to tow it so that they could clear the street of snow.
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