Club Dynasty
Toronto Escorts

Site being updated ...

Doing some cleaning up this weekend on my site. You'll notice a new look to the site and some pages that will be missing while I clean up files and update. Seems to be a whole lot of crap and files that aren't being used and haven't in aa while, so rather than scrap the whole thing and reset I'm going through logs and getting rid of things one at a time and rebuiling the pages as needed.

Should be all done over the weekend. Email will still work, so if you need me or info on something feel free to contact me.

DC Williamson Web
not a quotation, just a play on words... "internet is down" or "internet is up". seems over the weekend there was internet, then it would go away, or you'd think there'd be internet and you'd sit and wait for nothing to happen.

they just couldn't keep or get their internet up long enough to get anything to
Toronto Escorts